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Massillon smiled down at the female and the renewed strength that shone in her big eyes.

"There are a few tricks that I learned during my training to become a Doeshar and I will do my best to teach them to you. First, you wear too much of your feelings upon your face. You must acknowledge their presence and then push them away from your features. Allow your muscles to relax especially those in your face and shoulders." Massillon coached.

"Good..," he encouraged as he watched her compose herself, her eyes losing that unmistakable deer in the headlights stare.

"And now for a cheat," he said with a wink, " You are holding the hand of a very powerful and skilled male and I can act as a reprieve when you need one. You may not dismiss another from your presence without being seen as rude or switch topics of conversation as you wish but I can interject..." Massillon stated honestly.

The female stared up at him in disbelief but she nodded her consent to his plan all the same.

"I will not intimidate any member of your House but I can be persuasive,"
He confidently replied to the look on her face.

"Shall we give this plan a try...," Massillon asked, his fingers never leaving her soft flesh. He purposely marred her perfect makeup just enough that others would think he had taken liberties with her and not guess at the true reason for their dash to the darkened alcove.

Isalinah started to nod her agreement, thought better and in a deep throaty whisper said " Yes, Massillon".

The female may be an utter mess in a crowd of her peers but she knew just how to get a reaction out of him, Massilon though as a shiver of lust ran across his body. His traitorous hormones jumped at the sensual note in her tone and despite everything Massillon found himself bowing his head to taste the female's sweet mouth.

He tried to keep the kiss as neat as possible but when the little vixen bit and sucked at his lower lip, he growled at her and pulled away, returning to his full height out of the reach of her sinful mouth.

"Shall we began my Lady," Massillon stated as he pulled a white cotton hand kerchief from his inside jacket pocket to wipe at his lips thankfully Issy wasn't wearing a red lipstick and what he wiped away was mostly nude in colour and gloss. He offered the cotton material to her and when she was done he folded over the material to protect his jacket lining from the product before tucking the kerchief away.

Isalinah ignored the open stares leveled at her and dramatically raised eyebrows she received from the older members of her House when she emerged from the alcove with their House's most honoured guest. She had made a complete mess of the evening so far and was determined to salvage the night with Massillon's help.

Massillon had instructed Issy to find a soft target to begin again with. Someone of high enough rank that she could introduce him to without losing her nerve.

Yes, she thought when her roving stare landed on Lord Hayden at the champagne tower table trying to determine how best to grab a flute without toppling the entire creation.

She gently tapped Massillon on the shoulder as he had been completely waylaid by two servers, one carrying artfully made lollipop drumsticks and the other mini meat pies, as he sampled every flavour available.

The male came away from the servers reluctantly, an overly loud sigh falling from his mouth; Issy assumed was for the servers' benefit because the two males bowed indulgantly as Massillon turned away.

Issy surpressed the giggle that tempted to come out. The male had prefectly maneuvered the males so that they did not take his abrupt exit as an insult after taking most of the food from their trays and when he turned to face her his face had lost of its previous humour and a façade of indifference occupied every part of his mannerism; his game face, Issy noted to herself.

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