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Massillon forced his eyes away from the two most distracting twins he had ever had the pleasure of meeting to meet the female's eyes once more. Before he lost to them again, his attention was pulled by the females soft voice.

"I'm Issy by the way ... and you are..." She trailed off in an attempt to restart some conversation.

"I am Massillon", he responded with a pause waiting to see if she recognised his name. When there was no change in her expression Massillon ceased a truly rear opportunity; to actually get to know a female he wished to consider for mating.

His title and status as Doeshar tended to be a serious hindrance when Massillon wanted to get to know a person's true character. Persons generally behaved the way they believed he wanted them to. His ideas were the best ones they had ever heard; his choice of food, drink or movie was the best they had ever had amd seen; and his dislikes were now things that should disappear from the face of the earth. Males and females alike had performed that ridiculous pony show in an effort to gain favour and it annoyed him to no end.

"Allow me to get you some sustenance Miss," Massillon stated before raising from his seat and pausing when the female said,

"I already placed an order with the bar assistance. My drink should be on its way. There is no need for you to get me anything, but I thank you for your offer." Her voice was gentle but firm, and it was obvious she was trying to suppress what must be telltale accent. Massillon obliged the female and sat again, realising for the first time a person had rejected his offer to give them sonething. This was quite extra ordinary indeed and it oddly made him smile.

"So Issy..." Massillon started testing the fake name on his tongue, "what brings you out alone this evening?"

She opened her mouth to answer, but paused when a bar assistant presented a colourful creation before her and announced it a house twist on a classic apple martini which elicited some ohhh and ahhh from the female. She took a sip of the drink before answering him.

"I simply wanted to enjoy a night out," she stated, while staring into her drink as if she was holding back so much more.

"I'm alone because I'm an adult and I don't need a watchdog," the last part of her sentence left her lips so fast Massillon bearly caught them. Obviously he had touched an old and very sensitive nerve. There was fight to the female, it was obvious she didn't simply bend to the will of her father and House.

"I meant no offence ... Issy." It still felt strange calling the high born female a name which amounted, in his mind, to a small dog one walked around with in a large handbag.

"You didn't offend me. It's just an old fight I have had with my father far too many times before." She said with a sigh that spoke of old frustrations.

"So you are playing hooky then," Massillon stated with a smile and far more enthusiasm than was socially acceptable. He should be scolding the female about the situation and summarily taking her back to the safety of her father's palace just outside the city, but instead he was excited for her.

With his presence here, along with Muckus, she was absolutely safe and could fully enjoy her night while believing she was truly on her own. For some reason, he couldn't quite put his finger on, he wanted this night for her too. Massillon was well aware of the restrictions generally placed on high born females, he female first cousins often grumbled about those he placed on them.

Her laughter at his choice of words was mesmerizing and it was a sound he wanted her to make again. It washed over him and he couldn't help the way his blood rushed because of it. The soft hum of arousal through his system that came with it was unexpected.

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