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"Well ... my night was ... eventful," Issy replied after what she could only assume was obvious hesitation. She had considered lying and pretending that everything was fine but deciding at the last moment against doing so. Massillon had never deceived her outright, to her knowledge, and she didn't want to do so to him. Although the devil playing advocate at the back of her mind reminded her, the male had yet to give her a straight answer about his intentions in courting her.

It was obvious the male had picked up on her hesitation and the phrasing of her answer as those green eyes lost their playfulness, going cold. The expression on his face of being at ease no longer genuine.

"Tell me."

The statement was a demand by a male powerful enough to believe he was deserving of an answer simply because he demanded one. Gods above, it ruffled Issy's proverbial feathers, but she forced down the urge to buck at the male. She had had quite enough fighting for tonight. It also left a stream of emotions that she actively chose to ignore.

"ahhhhh..." she sighed, " family, can't live with them, can't commit double homicide."

The male's lips quirked into an also smile for a second or two before taking one a more serious parlour.

"Care to elaborate, my Lady," he added.

"To begin, my dearest mother is throwing a freaking ball in my quote-unquote honor and didn't even have the forethought or perhaps the decency to tell me. Like what the fuck!" Issy swore as the embers of anger rose once again.

"I am aware, my invitation came late yesterday morning, via email I believe, " Massillon added quite calmly, seemingly undisturbed by her language. Then again, Issy reminded herself, the male had quite a filthy mouth when it suited him.

His comment, however, only served to add fuel to Issy's anger where her mother was concerned, but then she realized the implications of his words.

"And have you accepted?" she replied as her nerves started to kick in.

"Yes," Massillon replied without hesitation, his too observant eyes never leaving her face.

"Oh..." was all she could get out as she started down her new best past time; overthinking. 

Massillon was going to be there, and no doubt she would have to be at his side because they were officially courting and it would be cause for gossip if she avoided him like she usually avoided everyone else that these types of events. The Lady Isalinah was their House's resident highborn introvert, and everyone had long given up on trying to get close to the female. They were a few vampires that she spoke to on occasions but generally Issy preferred the company of her immediate family. Everyone was going to be watching the two interact, which means her mother was going to be able to watch them too. Fucking hell, Issy swore, this was her plan all along, to get us together where she could see and... interfere, her mind rambled on.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when Massillon called out her full name. When she focused on the screen she realised he was staring intently at her with one perfectly manicured eyebrow raised. She had actually allowed her mind to wander while in a private conversation with a Doeshar. Before she  swore like a pirate and now she was ignoring him. Too many social mistakes and Issy could feel her cheeks heat in embarrassment.

"Tell me what were you thinking just now."

That commanding tone was so sexy and got under her skin at the damn time, Issy thought before shaking herself mentally to refocus on his request because that what she was choosing to interpret them as; requests.

"I was thinking about what fun this ball is going to be," she replied, her words dripping in sarcasm. 

"I am sure it will not be all that bad Isalinah," Massillon replied.

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