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A'Shanna's question lingered on Issy's mind long after her mother had left her room.

She had spent the better part of the night doing all she could to distract herself  but like a burrowing worm the memory refused to leave the forefront of her mind no matter how deep she tried to bury it. Issy had spared till her muscles screamed, her sword to heavy for her to lift, and the highguards who had agreed to spar all made their excuses but still her mother's question remained.

At face value the question was an easy one to answer; of course she wanted Massillon. He was everything a female could want in a lover. He practically oozed sex appeal and a female could happily get lost in those green eyes. The male also had a cock and knew exactly how to use it, and that mouth; the male could bring a female to her knees with it. Of course that was when he wasn't talking in that rich accent of his that reduced her brain to the consistency of jello.

Issy could also admit that beyond the physical, the male had a way of making one feel special and appreciated, he listened to her and the way he complimented her always seemed to boost her confidence like no one had ever bothered to, like she never even realised she craved. He, in essence, made her feel seen. Massillon was simply the kind of male a female broke another female's neck over in the race for his affection. She could also admit to herself that she was quite shocked at the level of possessive energy he already evoked in her.

She could not, however, ignore the point Massillon had been sure to drive home as pointedly as he could, he was more than a desirable male, he was a Doeshar. That was the factor that generally sent most high born females into a frenzy  however Issy had the opposite reaction. She had always promised herself that she would be more than Raphael's daughter. Everyone always acted, some intentionally and others instinctual, as though that was the some of her parts, all destiny had for the female. It always made Issy feel like a second rate citizen in her own family. Arion was the one that mattered and as second born she was relegated to the shadows of that importance. Issy was no fool she knew what her House and family would expect if she continued to court Massillon. It would benefit her family  to be so closely connected to another powerful Doeshar and House. The massive issue that caused Issy pause where the male was concerned was that she did not want to trade her brother's shadow for Massillon's.

Isalinah also knew that she wasn't ready to be mated. There was still so much she wanted to do and mating a Doeshar would elevate her station to that of a Consort. She would have a whole new set of demands placed upon her shoulders and what little freedom she now owned would dwindle to practically nothing. She was not ready for that. She wanted a lover and Massillon was just the kind of male she wanted for that precise role but nothing more for now. This brought her back to the original question that had tainted her every interaction with Massillon since the night he appeared before her at her father's side to be reintroduced as the Doeshar of Marasarah; what did he want.

Issy shook her head in a futile effort to physically shake the male and all the implications he came with loose from her mind. She was far too tired but  didn't wish to go back to her chambers and be more alone with those thoughts. So against what was left of her good judgment, Issy decided to go through the Rubrian formation. The form was one she still strugglesd with and required her complete concentration.

The first three forms left her arms shaking to bear her weight and she could not hold the fourth for the full minute as traditionally required. She decided to reduce the hold times to  30 seconds and after using the left tail her sweat-soaked shirt to wipe the sweat from her brow to  maintain her vision, she took several deep breaths before beginning to move her limbs to create the five pose.

"I believe that is enough, Isalinah."

Issy froze in her step with her leg half raised at the sound of that voice. Highguard Rulal was a tall imposing figure. She wore she dark hair long with the left side of her scalp shaved low. There were almost no soft feminine curves to the female but her face was unmistakably beautiful betraying her high born blood. She was a female who almost exclusively dressed in black. She always wore pants, and in the modern times wearing a black pants suit whenever she was at the palace. As captain of the Highguard she was considered the best of the best and had thous been tasked with the physical education of the Doeshar's young.

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