Chapter Eight: Plans

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With Nightmare:

Soon enough, everybody in the mansion was in bed and resting. That is, everyone but Nightmare. The goopy skeleton had headed over into his office, closing and locking the door. His office was pristine and clean, with a dark acadamia feel to the room. It practically radiated Nightmare's kingly and sophisticated feel, the dark, polished oak desk and bookshelves especially.

Nightmare plopped into his swivel chair and took in a deep breath, folding his hands over his desk as he shut his lone eye. He gained a grin as he took in the scrumptious, energizing negativity his subordinates were letting off from the nightmares they were enduring.

And then it was right back to work for him. He opened a drawer by the handle and pulled out a notebook. His thin, goopy fingers held the book as he skimmed for a blank page. Once found he picked a pen out of his netted pen holder and began to think.

Right now, the Star Sanses were probably still recovering like his gang was. He could go to an au by himself quickly, collect negativity and skedaddle! There was no way it was risky, but which au would he go to? He had to think this through for a while. Something to supply him with a good amount.

Meanwhile, Ink, Dream and Sci had made a scientific breakthrough with Nightmare's goop sample. With the help of Dream, a mixture of objects were created to neutralize Nightmare's magic and negativity flow. Not to a harmful extent, but just enough to keep him from accessing it.

Now, the problem was where would they get the resources to have enough to keep him secured, and how would they get him in? They'd need a lot of positivity, and something to supply it like an energy source.

And then Sci had an idea for the positivity supply.

"Well, it's simple. Back in Undertale, there's the CORE. The CORE is able to supply itself and recycle what was used, if I can somehow find something like that..."

And then Dream perked up.

"Ah! I have something back in my room like that! They're crystals, and they recycle energy! Maybe they can do the same for positivity with some modifications?"

The positive guardian suggested to which the scientist nodded enthusiastically, slurping his coffee.

"Yes! Go get it and bring it back, and I'll see what I can do."

At Sci's command Dream had gone off to gather the crystals, and Ink and Sci continued to brainstorm and write things down as they waited for Dream to come back. Eventually the positive one returned and they got back to work, with Sci analyzing the crystals and breaking down their components like the professional science man he is.

The three of them worked for a few hours, until they decided to call it a day. But not Ink. Ink was hyperactive and ready to dedicate himself to this project on pure impulse. He took Sci's notes, and popped earbuds into his eyesockets. He blasted music and immediately got right back to work with Sci's equations.

Hours passed, until the early morning arrived and Ink perked up excitedly.

"So this is it!"

He'd found a solution. Ink had found the answer, and had enlarged the crystals to form gigantic, positivity recycling crystals. Well, not yet. Dream would have to pour some positivity in, set up a room to place them in and just get Nightmare in there.

Ink had also managed to create some shackles from the crystals and Sci's notes because Nightmare was strong as everloving fuck and would be able to bust out without them, or slaughter someone with those ruthless tendrils of his.

The only problem was now that everyone was asleep at the base, so he'd have to wait and he was bored and incredibly energetic. So Ink stood in the silent, empty lab and decided to guard these crucial objects.


Hey! It's been a long time since I've updated, and I apologize for that. I've just lost interest in a lot of my books and have grown to hate how cringey they are, so I haven't touched them because I've really hated how they turned out. I haven't had the motivation to do much either, things are really sucking for me right now. A lot has happened.

But anyways, I'm going to try and work on this book at least. It's going to be kind of short, and I don't have an update schedule so I'll try and work on this when I can!

Thanks for reading!

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