Chapter 1: Breaking out

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Dream's pov

... I opened my eyes. The first thing I see is dead, greyish-brownish grass, and the smell of decay floods my nose.

I weakly lift my skull to look around. What even happened...?

Visions flash through my skull as I remember everything that happened. All the terrible things that took place.

His fake smiles. His lying. Pretending to be okay. Then he snapped.

And... everyone's dead. I couldn't stop him. No... there's still a chance. I still have a chance to make things right. There's always a chance. As long as you don't give up, you can do anything!

...Nightmare, I will find you. I'm coming brother. I'll save you from the darkness. I just... need to get out of here first.

??? pov

Dreamtale is in critical condition. How did I not notice this before? It's been... TWO HUNDRED YEARS SINCE THE COLLAPSE OF DREAMTALE?! WHY HAVEN'T I GONE THERE YET?! THERE COULD BE SURVIVORS!!

I open a portal to Dreamtale and jump through, not skipping a single beat. I know if I waste any time, I'll forget what I was even doing in the first place.

The AU is in RUINS. Dead grass, tumbleweeds, the smell of death and a thick smog over the atmosphere...

Then I take notice of a golden figure off in the distance. A survivor!

I sprint over, hollering at the person as I get closer and closer.


The figure whips around, golden eyelights meeting my mismatched eyelights.

I kneel over and catch my breath, as my wheezing dies down.

"...who are you?"

The skeleton says, and I stand back up.

"I'm the protector of AU's, and my name is Ink! You must be... ummm... sorry, I forgot who you are."

The golden skeleton narrowed his eyesockets at me.

"...I'm sorry, but how do you know who I am...?"

I chuckled, and he looked nervous.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. It's my job to protect AU's and the people inside of them. As a matter of fact, I came here to take you somewhere else... If Nightmare knows there's a survivor, who knows what he'll do..."

The skeleton perked up at the mention of Nightmare.

"N-Nightmare?! Can you tell me where he is?! I-I need to find him! Please, take me to my brother!"

Brother...?...Oh. I see. This... This skeleton is none other than the guardian of positivity himself... Dream.

"Sorry buddy, no can do. He's very dangerous and out of control. If he gets his hands on you, and the last golden apple... things are NOT going to be very pretty. That's why I need to protect you from him, and stop him from spreading negativity throughout all the AU's. He's making lives miserable, and stopping people from enjoying life... I can't let him keep running loose."

Dream gave me... probably one of the saddest looks I've ever seen.

"Please... he's my brother... can't I help you stop him? I want Nighty back. I can't just stand around and watch my brother hurt people! I want to help you! If helping you means stopping my brother and making people happy, and saving lives... I'd love to join you. So please... don't just leave me to stand around and do nothing!"

He said with determination, as he held eye contact the entire time.

I've never seen anyone so motivated, other than the Sans of Underswap. Dream has great potential.

"...Alright, you can join me."

His eyelights morphed into stars as he pumped his fists in the air and whooped. He then jumped onto me and hugged me, thanking me over and over.

I chuckled and patted the top of his head, and he let go.

"Okay, I'll take you to my house and we can discuss a few things, sound good?"

He nodded happily, and I created a portal and we both hopped through.

Nightmare's pov

I sat on my throne as I planned which AU to target next.

Some of the more positive ones are a good idea... I think I'll go for Underswap, because this AU is filled to the brim with positivity. If I can get rid of that... imagine how powerful I'll be.

I stood up and teleported into the living room of the mansion.

"I've decided on which AU to target."

I said to my loyal slaves, my cyan eye blazing in the dark room.

Deranged smiles made their way onto each of their faces.

I opened a portal, and we all went through; not a single peep being spoken.

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