Chapter 3: Finding Cross

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Nightmare's pov

According to the coordinates inside this binder, X-tale should be located on the furthest right side of the Doodlesphere, separated from all the other AU's.

And, it should be completely empty other than a Sans and a Chara. Perfect.

(X-tale belongs to Jakei!)

I stand up, and summon a portal.

With a smirk on my goopy face, I step through.

All I am greeted with is an endless white horizon.

I slowly turn around, and look all around me.

Off in the distance is a black and white lump. That must be him. It better be.

I walk, until I am directly behind the skeleton who doesn't seem aware of my presence. That pisses me off. He should be cowering in fear right now.

"...Nothing left... all...f...hem...gone..."

He seems to be mumbling something to himself.

I poke his shoulder with my tentacle.

"hrrghfhhfjd f*ck off Chara..."

How annoying.

"That's not how you greet a new pal."

I could feel the fear and shock spike from Cross, and another presence. It feels good.

He slowly turned his head.

The smirk on my face widened as I took in his expression.

"W-who are you...?"

"I'm Nightmare, the king of negativity."

"Oh... wow... so why are you here?"

Cross said as he stood up, facing me.

A low chuckle escaped my teeth.

"I'm here to... make a deal with you."

I caught myself. I almost said "I'm here to capture you."

Cross narrowed his eyes at me.

"And what would this deal be?"

"I can tell... you hate this place, right?"

Cross's eyelights shrunk at my words. I'm already hitting a nerve.

"It's so empty, and it's a constant reminder of everyone and everything you lost... of your eternal loneliness."

The shock, loneliness and pain radiated clearly off of Cross's expression. I absorbed the negativity.

"If you come with me... I can give you a home. Somewhere that won't die like your home did. You want that don't you? You're so tired of being alone other than that stupid ghost right? All you need to do is come with me. It's simple. So, what do you say?"

*Chara is offended.

I outstretched my hand for him to take.

His shaking hand met mine. My grin only widened.

"Heh... you made the right choice. Now come with me."

I let go of his hand and swiped open a portal, and Cross just stood there.

(I can already hear the Crossmare shippers yelling-)

"What are you waiting for? Go in."

He slowly nodded and stepped through, with me following behind him.

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