Chapter 11

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We made a plan to capture Teresa and get her out of the city. Thomas and Gally went to get her and the rest of us stayed behind. I went back up to the top of the building where Newt had run off to before. I stood there alone, trying to talk myself into staying calm when I saw Teresa. It was her fault that I kept hearing my own screams in my head. Her fault that I kept feeling pain that wasn't there and hadn't been there for years. I rubbed my left shoulder as the pain came back to me. I took a deep breath as I closed my eyes. I heard someone walking up behind me. I opened my eyes and turned my head to see Newt only a few feet away. I just stared at him, him staring at me. "You okay?" He finally asked. I nodded.

"To be honest, I'm trying to prepare myself for seeing Teresa." I explained. Newt's eyes widened slightly in realization.

"I didn't think about that." He admitted as he looked down and scratched the back of his neck. He raised his head back up to me. "Did you ever see her? When they had you." I shook my head.

"No. But I knew she was there." I answered as I stared into the distance at nothing. He walked closer to me. I turned to look at the shiny buildings in the distance as he came to stand next to me. We just stood there for a while, looking at the buildings. I felt Newt turn his gaze to me. I tried to ignore it but eventually I looked at him. "What?" I asked. I didn't say it like I was annoyed but rather genuinely curious. He opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted as someone came running towards us. It was Brenda.

"They got her." She informed us as she stopped a few feet away. We quickly ran with Brenda back to the others.

(I know this is the shortest chapter ever, I'm sorry)

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now