Chapter 12

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Third POV

They sat Teresa in the room, with a bag over her head. Skylar was leaning against the wall a few feet away behind where Teresa was sitting. Everyone else either stood or sat in front of Teresa. Newt took the bag off of Teresa's head and sat down by Thomas. Teresa looked at each of the people in front of her. She saw Gally and her face filled with disbelief. "Gally?" She asked.

"Here's how this is gonna go." Gally began. "We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. We'll start off simple." Gally grabbed a chair and dragged it right in front of Teresa. "Where's Minho?" Teresa looked over at Thomas as she tried to protest.

"You guys don't seriously think-" She was interrupted as Gally sat right in front of her, blocking her view of Thomas.

"Don't look at him. Why you lookin' at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you." Newt looked over at Skylar. She was looking at the ground in front of her. He could tell she was struggling to stay calm with Teresa's presence. "Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Teresa looked down.

"He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three." She answered.

"How many others?" Newt asked. Teresa took a deep breath before answering.

"28." Skylar shifted and rolled her shoulders back, trying to stay calm. The others looked over to Brenda.

"I can make that work." Brenda stated.

"No." Teresa protested. "No you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted." Skylar suddenly pushed herself off the wall and quickly walked over to Teresa. Teresa didn't hear come up from behind so she continued to protest. "You can't-" she was interrupted as Skylar harshly turned Teresa's chair to the side a little so she could see Skylar. Skylar knelt down in front of her, just glaring at her. "Skylar?" She whispered in shock.

"I talk, you listen." Skylar stated with a stern yet calm voice but was filled with anger and everyone could tell she was using all her strength to hold herself back from doing anything to Teresa. "You need to get it through your head that nothing will stop us from saving Minho. So you need to shut up and cooperate." Teresa just stared at her, her eyes wide with a hint of fear in them. "I made a promise to Winston that I would protect all of you." They all looked at her in confusion now. "And I'm not planning on breaking that promise." Skylar shook her head as she continued to glare at Teresa. "Not today or tomorrow, or any day in the future. So you're gonna help us. Got it?" Teresa just continued to stare at her. Skylar turned the chair back around to face the others. She walked over the rest of the group to stand by Newt and leaned on the table behind her. There was a few seconds of silence before Gally started to question her again.

"How do we get in?"

"You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa explained.

"We know that. That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas stated. Gally shrugged his shoulders.

"Well I dunno. We don't necessarily need her. Right?" Gally said as he got up from his chair and walked over to the table. "Not all of her." He grabbed a small knife off the table. "We just need her finger."

"Gally back off." Thomas warned Gally.

"I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho." Gally argued, pointing the knife in Teresa's direction.

"That's not the plan." Thomas reminded him as he stood up and took the knife away from Gally. "Back off."

"Won't make a difference." Teresa said. "Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the-"

"We know. We're tagged." Thomas interrupted. He walked up to Teresa and knelt beside her. "Property of WCKD. You're gonna help us with that too."

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