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It's been a week since me and Newt kissed. Honestly, it's been the best week I can remember. Probably the best week ever. Brenda gave me a book she found a few days ago that was actually about the history of Panem, my home. Well, I guess it's not actually my home but, it's where I'm from. I read the book all the time. I started to remember things as I read it. I remember the Games, the Capitol, the rebellion. It's all slowly coming back.

I woke up early today, just like every other morning, and went to my spot with the book in hand. I sat on the edge of the cliff and watched as the sun rose behind the sea. I breathed in the fresh air while the wind blew at my face. After a few minutes of just sitting there, I opened the book and began reading where I had stopped last night. It had been 15 minutes and I was still reading the book. I now remembered what the mockingjay stood for. At least, I now knew why Chris wore it. He was all for the rebellion, and so was I. Of course, we were still technically kids when the rebellion began.

My eyes read each word with interest and my mind was consumed with all the information that I didn't realize I was no longer alone. Two arms hugged me from behind and I felt a kiss on the side of my head. My mouth curled up in a smile. "Morning." Newt greeted me in his strong accent.

"Morning." I replied as he sat behind me, his legs on either side of me, and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"How's the book?" He asked.

"Informational." I responded while nodding, eyes still on the book. Newt rested his head on my shoulder as he looked at the book in my lap. "I remembered why the mockingjay was so significant. It stood for the rebellion. That's why Chris had a bracelet with the bird on it."

"The bracelet you gave to Thomas?" Newt asked.

"Yeah." Silence followed and I turned my head to look at Newt. "You're not still upset about that are you?" I teased him. He had told me a couple days ago that he had had suspicions about why I would give Thomas the bracelet.

"No, of course not." Newt answered as he lifted his head off my shoulder and looked me in the eyes, a small smile on his face. "He might've gotten a bracelet but I got something even better." I smiled at his comment.

"Besides, I already gave you something." I told him. His eyebrow lifted in expectancy. "My heart." I whispered before I kissed his cheek. I looked back down at the book as blush started to creep into my cheeks. I pretended to read as Newt stared at me.

"And I promise not to break it." He whispered in my ear. I smiled even bigger as a moment of silence was held between us. Finally, I looked up at Newt, at his beautiful brown eyes.

"I love you." I finally said. "I love you, Newt." I repeated seriously and nervously. I stared at him as his smile grew even wider.

"I love you too, Sky." I let out a sigh of relief as I smiled at him. We kissed, his hand on my cheek, my hand on his cheek. We slowly pulled away, our faces only an inch or so apart. I broke our gaze as I shifted myself, the book falling out of my lap, and I rested my head on Newt's chest. Newt wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head as he started to rub my back slowly. I felt overwhelming peace and happiness. I finally had everything I wanted. People who cared for me and the feeling of foreign peace I had only dreamed of. I smiled to myself. I finally had it all. After so much pain and loss, I finally got what I had always dreamed of but that's all it ever was. Just a dream, a wish. Even if I didn't have the Safe Haven, I at least had one thing that was even better. I had Newt. I realized it was Newt I needed all along. He loved and cared for me in a way no one else did. And I loved him the exact same way. I finally had someone that would love me despite my scars and my past. He accepted me as I excepted him. There aren't enough words to explain what I feel. I could go on and on and never get tired. But I guess it just boils down to the fact that I love him. I truly love him.

(I hope that ending satifies!)

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now