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"I DON'T KNOW if I will be home early today," Father says when he parks his vehicle in front of the house, I know he means he does not know if he will be home at all today, but I just nod. Irekitan and Lebechi alight from the car first. They came home with me so we could discuss what our next move will be.

"Everything is okay at work, right?" Not having father at home regularly—even though I am glad since it keeps him off my back—is a little bit sad. Plus I want to know if there is anything I have to worry about since the plan is to go to the Gallery now.

He shakes his head and pats my back, "Some things were stolen again, I and some colleagues just need to make a list, that's all."

"If that is all, can't you do it from home?"

"It involves translating centuries old languages. Don't worry about me. Go and rest, and tell Eni I'll see him later." I give him a warm smile then step out. He drives away immediately which is my cue to enter the house.

Inside, Eni is beside a square shaped carton taller than he is, a paint brush and palette in his hands. He has on an apron and on his face is protective glasses too. I eye the mess in the sitting room, there are papers everywhere, ribbons and something like glass. Kitan and Lebechi are close to him, talking.

"Eni, what is all these na?" I fold my arm around my chest, I try not to close my eyes from the light pain I. If I do, they would not let me correct the disaster I have made.

"This, sister, is the work of a genius." My brother grins at me.

"No, you are making everywhere ugly. Is it because Mummy is not here? Where is Mrs.Gideon?" I look around in search of the nanny. I wonder how the woman has not gotten fed up and quit because of Eni. If I was his nanny, I would have done that a long time ago.

"You would not know genius even if hit you in the face," my friends snicker near him.

"Oh, so you both are on his side?"

"Are we supposed to not side the magnificent six year old?" Lebechi says with glee.

"Thank you," Eni tells her and I sneer.

"Well, whatever, you both can do what you like." I make my way to the kitchen where I meet the nanny, she is cutting plantain into small pieces and I smile at her before greeting.

"Oh dear, I actually thought I would be done before you came. How are you feeling? You are so brave, so very brave." I suspect Mother has already told her of what—the version she knows—happened.

"I am better, I'm not very brave." I tell her and it is a confession. I actually don't feel brave or anything close, I just feel guilty. And this is the feeling I have always had right from last year. I could not handle the incident with Kaka, so I browsed a lot of nonsense about awakening powers and one said push yourself to the limit. If I had powers, I thought then, maybe I would have been able to stop her and stop the vehicle. I thought of doing good, as a way to get all the guilt off my chest. But now that I have these powers, all I did was release a great—or a bunch of—evil.

"Nonsense omo, you are one brave child. Here, take a little because I know you came to steal this," she scoops some already fried plantain into my hands and I grin at her, grateful she actually never quit.

I make my way back to the sitting room, Eni is alone now and he is seriously painting random colors onto the weird box.

"I hope whatever it is comes out amazing," I decide to be a supportive big sister.

"Thank you," Eni smiles at me, it makes me remember when he was actually born and how much I cried after I was allowed to carry him briefly. Kitan and Kaka kept teasing about how I would grow up to be a woman who cried at everything. I was just happy my parents were extremely happy, because before him, I used to see Mother with sad expressions and Father too.

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