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LEBECHI MADE ME promise not to tell a single soul about what happened, not like I could before. This is because; one, no one would believe me, and two, if I did demonstrate to anyone—especially my parents—I would end up in church for deliverance. She told me I was given a great power and with it comes a great responsibility, and it almost felt like she suddenly became my manager, which felt weird.

We exchanged numbers and she told me to prepare because she would be sending me a schedule of training I will need to undergo in order to master the use of the ring—which felt all weird again but I could not object because I was still in shock over what I saw, or rather did.

Three days later and I am still in shock, but excitement has somehow taken over a great percentage of that feeling, although I am exhausted and Lebechi will never let me take a second to rest. We are in our schools mini sport arena, or micro arena, as I prefer to call it. On the field, boys are running around chasing the black and white ball in order to score against one another, down by the iron fence, the volleyball teams are doing their thing. The baton runners always finish by five pm and that's when Lebechi decides to be my sport trainer, or as she says, fitness trainer.

"You've only gone round three times, you need to work on your stamina," she tells me when I reach her side.

"Why?" I am breathing heavily, "What really is the point of this?"

"You need to be strong."

"Don't you need that too?"

She raises a brow at me, "I'm not the one with the powers."

I grumble after that and tiredly try to run some more but end up sitting on the ground, my legs hurt, they've been hurting since She began to force me to do all these and I just want to sleep and eat. She is worse than teachers of the school, I tell myself before taking off my shoes to massage my feet.

"You cannot lazy around, Amadin!"

"Well, its my body, I can do what I like."

"But you have to be ready, you can't save the town if you get tired from a little run."

"Little?" I sneer but don't look at her, still massaging my feet, "Five laps for three days when I hate sports is definitely not little."

"It is—your friend is coming this way."

"What friend?"

"Kitan," after hearing that, I look up in an instant and search for any means I can use to hide from him but the entire place is open and wide enough for him to see me. This is annoying.

"Fancy seeing you doing something sporty, Victory," he uses my middle name, the one he knows I don't like. Since I am sitting on the ground, he looks down at me as he wipes his face with a green towel and holds a bottle of water in the other hand. I had almost forgotten he is the schools football captain and sports prefect, it should have been the first thing that came to my head when Lebechi suggested I started keeping. But since I did not see him in the past days, I did not think.

"Y-yeah, hey."

"So, what are you two doing here? Never seen any of you jog during sports time before so this is strange."

That is true, like I said, I don't like sport but I have no idea why Lebechi hardly partakes except when she is forced to. "Uh...Amadin wants to join the Baton team, so I am her trainer."

The statement makes the Nigerian-Korean boy laugh briefly as he stares at me, "She? Wants to be a Runner and you? You are her trainer? No offense but that means y'all are gonna fail. She won't ever be accepted on the team."

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