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"STAY BACK BEFORE I blast you," my voice is strangely firm and my hands tinge with a strange kind of strength, power to be precise. I find myself beside a yellow and black Lagos bus that is somehow about to topple into the waters of the third mainland bridge, it is only held back by a bar that is soon letting go. The people inside of it are chanting 'Volcanic-Girl' instead of screaming at the fact that they will soon fall into the ocean. But I guess odd things happens in dreams so it does not bother me.

"You cannot defeat me with the lava you produce," before me is a masked man, way taller than me. He is clothe in all blue, from head to toe and only a space for his eyes are in his Villain outfit. "I am Water-Man."

"That is a silly Villain name and there is already a superhero named Aqua-man and he has a great outfit, yours is just awful." I scrunch my nose underneath the mask on my face.

The man growls, "then what do I say about that orange leather cape? Who is your outfit maker, pink and orange? Really?"

Now I become embarrassed, "This is my dream, whatever I wear here is the coolest thing."

"Then maybe we should question your dream makers?" That is it, I am mad. I raise my hands and steam come out, the lava is about to follow next.

"I am Volcanic-Girl!" I yell. I don't know why but I do that.

While I am about to blast the blue Villain, he speaks but not in his manly voice. "That has to be the most stupid name you could ever come up with." And then a cold feeling draws me from the unrealistic world in a snap.

At first, as I open my eyes, I think the Water-Man must have done something, but my brain resets when I take in my room. Th walls are painted a shade of blue while the window frames, doors, shelves are a deep brown. Hung around are posters of some DC and Marvel characters, and also some Nigerian Fictional superheros; Avonome, Eru, Ireti and Guardian Prime. There are three mildly average comic drawings by me and pictures of my family and I too.

By my bed is the most annoying six year old the world (or my family) has produced, in his hand is a bottle of water which made me realize my face and neck is slightly wet. "Good, you're up." He grins at me, he looks innocent and like he would never hurt a fly but only I know the truth. He is a Villain in the body of a child and to think his name means Saints

"Enikaro, what are you doing in my room? Did I not warn you?" I struggle to sit up, the back of my head hurts lightly.

"Watching over you. Why do you always talk in your sleep?" he blinks briefly and has his honey eyes on me.

I frown, "It is not your business."

"Daddy told me it is, and I should always make sure you are okay. . . in the head." I want to slap him, I really do, but Mother is over protective of him which means he always gets away with everything. This is because it took her ten years to get him after me.

"You are six, what do you know? Get out of here."

"Daddy says I know more than you and his doctor friend called me a genius the other day. They said I have the IQ of Einstein."

Who the hell is Einstein? "They are lying."

"But I solved your math homework."

"What math homework?"

"The one in your school bag."

"What?" I eye him, "Why did you check my bag? What did you loose inside of it that you had to find?"

"My patience. I had to watch over you but I got bored and checked around your room. You should hide your comics better, Daddy could easily walk in and find it."

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