After their parents left for work he instantly began questioning her like she wanted.

"The fuck happened to you last night." He asks. She dramatically pulls out her phone and hands it to him showing him messages between her and vallyk which were obviously fake.

"Ok so what he asked to hang out with you what's the big deal?" She rolls her eyes and swipes to the next screenshot.

"Why you screenshoted them instead of just-" quickly she cuts him off to annoyed to tolerate his slowness.

"He blocked me damn now read the messages." She yells. Mike does as said and carefully reads the whole conversation.

"He wanted to fuck?! The fuck...he's literally gay." Mike says handing back the girl phone.

"Well He isn't...when I told you I was going for a walk it was to meet up with him and at first it was chill but then he started touching me and one thing led to another...." Shayla looks away and starts crying, her tears were in fact real but it was because she was hella nervous this wouldn't work and she'd get caught and because she started to feel guilty.

"He raped you Shayla?....My best crush raped you?" It wasn't like Mike didn't believe her it was just so sudden.

But quickly he became pissed off at the fact Vallyk would do something like that. He didn't like being used and on top of that he didn't like his sister was being used as well.

"I'll handle it ok." He tells her pulling her in for a hug.

"Wait don't hurt him ok just tell him you can't be friends that's all I don't want no blood on your hands." She says. Mike nods his head completely ignoring her as he text him friends letting them know what had happened.

"C'mon Shay we're gonna be late." He says. Both teens grab their things and head to school.

Time skip cs ion know how what to say💀

Once they were at school Mike walls his sister to her class like he did every morning and walked to his locker. As soon as he sees his friends he daps them up telling them everything Shayla told him.

As their talking Vallyk runs up behind Mike and kisses his cheek. Suddenly Mike turns and slams the small boy against the locker hard earning looks from everyone in the hallway.

"Mike wha are you d-doing." Vallyk asks scared himself.

Without words or anything Vallyk felt himself being thrown to the grown and after that all he felt was pain. Every kick to the stomach hurt like hell, every blow to the head felt like he'd die at any given moment since it kept hitting the hard floor over and over, every punch made him cry out in agony begging Mike and his friends to stop. He didn't know what was happening ans he didn't care all he wanted was them to stop hurting him.

And finally they did. A teacher had pulled them apart with the help of a few people.

"Your a disgusting piece of shit. The fact that you would lead me on thinking I had a chance to love and then have the audacity to do what you did. I hope you die and burn in Hell." Those words hit Vallyl harder than any blow he had just received. He felt as if Mike just completely belittled him.

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