Chapter 2: A Chemistry Almost Criminal

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***This is where the story really starts. And the flirting shall commence, very shortly! Enemies to lovers is one of my absolute favorite tropes. What are your favorites?***

Zane's POV

It is about one o'clock, and I am just returning home from my latest date. Most people think that an intellectual fellow such as myself is more interested in books than soulmates, but they would be incorrect.

Well, half so. Having my nose in books for so long did feed my deep appreciation for romance and birth my dream of true love for myself, to be fair.

I have been searching for my other half for a year, but sadly, all my dates have gone terribly.

Turns out, being a robot is a pretty big turn off for most people.

Plus, my unique sense of humor and traditionally "boring" interests do not help the situation.

But I am still not giving up hope.

Thankfully, all this trial and error has helped me learn a few things about the art of romance.

That, and all the romance novels I am always reading.

I have always had my way with words, but now I can weave compliments into beautiful silk, leaving people speechless.

Too bad they do not stay for long after that.

Despite that, though, I keep my chin up.

After all, I have my friends, who are practically like family to me. Since my father, my creator, died a long time ago.

Jay always brightens up a room, Cole is the master of pep talks, Sensei Wu is as wise as they come, and our newer siblings of the soul, Kai, and Nya, are headstrong and have a type of blind courage and confidence that is extremely admirable.

My four teammates are just resting and hanging out after the first half of the day being full of training. Master Wu holds us to high standards.

I walk through the door of our secret warehouse base and pass Jay.

"Any luck?" He asks.

I shake my head, "Another failure. But I will find her someday."

"Hopefully soon," Jay remarks. "I can't stand to see you so mopey."

Cole walks over, "Me either."

I raise my eyebrows, "I am not 'mopey,' just disappointed."

Cole touches my shoulder, "Suuuure, buddy. And you're not made'a metal."

I glare at him.

Jay knocks on my arm, making a clinking sound, "It does suck that people judge so quickly, though. You're just as human as the rest of us."

"Yeah," Cole concurs. "But Zane doesn't need those shallow people anyway."

I speak up, "I agree. I need someone who understands who I am and can appreciate that."

"Yep," Jay sighs wistfully. "Someone like Nya."

I do not say anything, so he starts back up again, "I mean, obviously not Nya. She's my girlfriend, not yours. And I don't think she's into polygamy, and that doesn't even matter because I'm not okay with that!"

Cole's cheeks puff with held in laughter.

I turn to Jay, "I know what you mean, Jay. Nya is like a sister to me."

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