22 - Ultimatums (EP. 01)

Start from the beginning

“Aiden. It’s not that I’m not glad I met you, and all... but... Why did you apply to be my secretary instead of a designer?”

“That position was already occupied,” Aiden explained, still flustered, “And I didn’t feel like my works was enough to impress your employer. When I was still studying in university I would always spend my free time reading the news about Arendelle Co. And... My admiration and respect for your company is way above the limits that I deem being your secretary a prestigious achievement.”

“You just love to doubt yourself don’t you?” Elsa frowned.

“Bad habits are hard to break,” Aiden mumbled.

“I can see that,” Elsa sighed, “Aiden, can I talk to you privately la–”

“Look, mama, look!” Before the CEO could react, a crisp paper was slammed to her vision, along with a tug on her skirt. Her nose wrinkled at the sudden scent of crayons, but she took her time to examine her daughter’s drawing with a smile of pride.

“You made this yourself?” Elsa sweetly asked, but the four-year-old’s talent wasn’t one to be questioned since it exceeded a skill for her preschool age.

She watched Claire vigorously nod, “This is a very good drawing baby. Maybe,” she dropped her voice to a low whisper, “This time you’ve earned yourself the colored pencils that you wanted.”

“Really?!” “Yes, really,” Elsa giggled, smoothing out the little girl’s bangs before pecking her cheek, “I think it’s time you rest a bit beside mama, love. And you’re all sweaty.”

“Colored pencils?” Aiden curiously asked, somehow intrigued. “She saw my pack of Prisma’s in the office,” Elsa informed, “And ever since then even a new Barbie couldn’t pry her wish away to have even a twelve piece case. To not spoil her, I allowed her to earn it by drawing more,” she smiled, and glanced at her little girl’s recent artwork on the table, “I think I have an artist on the way.”

“Auntie Anna!”

“Hey little one,” Anna cooed, looking like a person who has made a few stops by several stores assuming the struggling Kristoff nearly dropping a shopping bag in tow, “And lovebirds,” she shot a smirk to her sister.

“Give me one bag Uncle Kwistoff,” said Claire as she held out a hand, “I’ll help you with it.”

“That’s real nice of you, sweetheart, but I can manage,” Though that went off a bit unsure as another Dior shopping bag almost fell if it wasn’t for his foot.

“Here,” Aiden nods, taking four as if they weighed nothing, technically they were numerous pairs of shoes. “Thanks,” “No problem.”

“We should find lunch somewhere by now, it’s twelve,” Anna whined, “I’ve been craving for some grilled cheese sandwich all day although that’s not for lunch...”

“Anna you literally had a full course meal for breakfast,” Elsa laughed. The redhead shrugged, “That’s just one pancake to my digestive system,” Anna nonchalantly added, “I’m sure I’ve seen a few restaurants when we were walking. Let’s all go.”


The group had a rather hard time locating something ‘none-fancy’ to eat in, but thanks to Anna’s uneasy turns and looks, the search was over. Her choice however left her speechless due to her overwhelming satisfaction with the different cuisines in the all-you-can-eat buffet; it drove her older sister to the point where she pondered how could her sibling stay so slim with such an appetite.

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