TWO. the connection of a ghost and a "fan of sunset curve"

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LENNON HAD never been so confused in her life

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LENNON HAD never been so confused in her life. Just like that three boys in her room, one of them sounding like he was in despair. They had just been in her room and just like that, they were gone.

She began to press play on her laptop again, hoping for her sanity in that they wouldn't come back. She hoped it was just like that one time she stood up too quickly and thought she saw Captain America standing in the corner of her room.

She quickly hit pause on the song before getting her true answer of if she had completely lost her mind or not.

She was scared, to say the least. Her headache soon drawing back as the sounds of what sounded like a drum and two guitars played. She knew it couldn't have been her laptop playing the music. It sounded like it was being played throughout her room.

Lennon didn't have a TV in her room. So it ruled out that option. Her "seven-in-one dream machine" had been off for a couple of hours now. Her phone... nope. Her dad pulling into the driveway... nope.

Lennon sat on the floor, her back pressed against the bed frame. The only thing she could look at right now where the peanut butter crackers she dropped on the floor.

MEANWHILE, THE three boys who had magically appeared in Julie's garage had been rockin' out. It felt good to be able to just touch their instruments and not to hear Alex cry for ( according to Julie ) twenty-five more years.

Julie stomped into the garage and stood in front of the trio. Calling for them to stop as the entire neighborhood could possibly hear them playing at a late hour.

"Wait. People can hear us play?" Luke asked.

The shaggy brunette held his guitar close. Alex, the blond drummer, stood up from his seat, holding his drumsticks tight, and Reggie, the short-haired brunette, was ready to hear whatever the girl had to say.

"Yes! And so did my dad and my brother!" She answered.

"W-W-Wait. Wait." Alex stuttered out, "So, you and the other girl can see us, but everyone can hear us? I mean, what kind of ghosts are we?"

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