🇨🇦.:|Chapter 5 - Sorry|:.🇨🇦

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"I was going to test this on your useless brother, but he has shown potential in becoming my heir... You on the other hand."

Canada was forced into a small side room that branched off from Britain's main bedroom. The room was dark and the air was musty. Dust coated thick layers onto alien looking equipment. There were a series of blinking red and green lights off to the side, probably apart of another machine. Canada felt his throat tighten, as if the fear was going to strangle him in that moment. He knew this room had existed for many years but thought of it as a walk in closet.
"Sit down on the chair there. Hurry up boy, I hate waiting." Britain said softly in Canada's ear, so close he could feel Britain's breath on his neck.

Canada did as he was told, maybe if Britain saw his willingness he'd go easy. A fool's dream, of course. The chair was semi-comfortable. The pinewood was soft on the edges, especially the legs of the chair. Canada felt himself wrap his feet around the legs, as he had done many times before. He remembered when France left she accidentally forgot one of her chairs for her dining room. Britain, France, Australia, America and Canada had all sat at the table together once upon a year. Britain had told Canada to wrap his legs around the chair's legs to stop shaking his own. Little did Canada know at the time that Britain might had well tied him down.

America had woken up early that morning. No one was sure why, excitement perhaps. He walked around the house to find Canada still up at the table. His body was sloughed and his head against his forearms.
"What are you doing up so early America? Shouldn't you be asleep still?" Said a soft voice behind him. France was what one might consider the perfect woman. Although her waist is small, she wears size 10 men's shoes. Although her smile beautiful, her chest flat. Although those flaws existed, she was perfect in every way. America hugged France softly, his little arms not reaching around her. Australia and New Zealand hadn't been born yet.

America shuffled over to his brother while giggling. France smiled and told America to 'hush so that father can sleep'. America nodded and tried miserably to control himself. Canada didn't seem impressed.
"What are you laughing at? Didn't you hear mother? Shut up." Canada mumbled. France's smile changed to a pity smile before she gently rubbed Canada's shoulders.
"It was an accident honey, he did apologise remember? Let your brother have some fun." France said as she kissed his cheek and turned to leave the kitchen.
"America, why don't we go outside to water the flowers?" France said. She was met with a 'coming' as America followed her out.

Canada sat alone in the kitchen. The clock ticking away. He wondered what it would be like to live in a different country, would it be fun? He could always just get up and leave one day, go and explore the world. Away from the 'accidents'. They aren't accidents or at least, they don't seem like it. He only says sorry if France is around, she isn't all the time. He did try to tell France but she dismissed him.
"Oh what an imagination mon amie (my friend)! It's okay, probably just a nightmare." France would say to 'calm' him. France 'calmed' Canada down a lot, often telling him to 'not raise his voice' or 'don't be so aggressive'.

He just wanted someone on his side.

Maybe that's why France left in the end. She couldn't deal with Britain's disapline and Canada's aggressive nature at the same time. However, that would imply that she believed Canada about the 'accidents'. France's last week was strange, she seemed to be a stranger in her own home. She stopped talking to America and briefly chatted with Canada. She refused to even look at Britain the entire time. It was a rough fight over something so small. Britain was mad and America just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and-

Suddenly France was gone.

Canada fought the urge to look around the room. If Britain thought he was looking for a way to escape the punishment would worsen. Canada felt a bound rope wrap itself around his arm and then the same feeling on his other side.
"Papa- I- I am sorry..." Canada muttered into the darkness. Out of all the blinking and bright lights one in the corner stood out to him. Canada was being filmed.
"Shut it brat. You didn't seem sorry when you were dropped off." Britain spat, his eyes burning into Canada's skin. Canada felt his grip on the armrest tighten and his legs curl. His eyes snapped shut, pleading with the universe to kill him now.

"Now, right now you are an undesirable twat that can't follow simple instructions however... With this machine I will shape and mould your mind into the perfect son." Britain said with a beat in his voice. Almost as if he was excited for this experiment. Canada's arms started shaking, he didn't want to become some mindless toy. He wanted to be someone, go somewhere and do anything. He felt two hands press down on his shoulders and headphones placed on his ears.
"I love you French-Canada." Britain said softly as the chair began rocking softly. The headphones were turned up on full and ready to go. Britain did feel slight pity for the boy but ultimately? It wasn't his fault that French-Canada couldn't listen.

Britain played at first different music and songs so he could get everything ready. Music blasted through the headphones and made the poor Canadian jump slightly. Once everything was ready Britain scrolled through his playlist and started playing pink noise. It is kind of like white noise but has a higher success rate when doing mind breaking.
"I'll be back in a couple of hours French-Canada. Don't do anything but listen to that okay?" Britain said as he softly kissed Canada's cheek. Not in a loving way, more in an 'I own you' way. Britain walked out of the small room and locked it behind him. The monitor in his room on, showing the rooms and Canada.

Britain wasn't heartless, even though it is a little blurry sometimes. He let Canada out of the room for the night. Britain had moved Canada's belongings into his room. He had placed out pajamas, slippers and his now cold dinner.
"French-Canada, you know I love you yes?" Britain sad as he watched the child eat his dinner. Canada nodded but said nothing, his head still reeling from the hour or two of punishment.
"Good, I'd hate to think what would happen if I didn't. I wonder if your brother would still be alive? We can only ponder of course." Britain said.

Britain laid Canada down into his king-sized bed before taking the tupperware downstairs into the kitchen. There was no way he'd allow Canada go to school tomorrow, not when he could ditch again. America and Australia were in bed according to his monitors and Canada was staring out the window. Britain had recorded Canada's punishment today and saved it to his laptop. He didn't know why, maybe he was going to rewatch it take place. When he entered his room Canada was asleep. Britain laid next to Canada and rested against the boy's back. He missed another person next to him since France left. I'm sure Canada wouldn't mind the sudden change in rooms.


"French-Canada. It's rude to ignore people. We acknowledge the other person when they are speaking."

"Yes Papa, Sorry Papa."

"That's better, now. I made breakfast for you French-Canada."


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