.:|Chapter 8 - Reckless|:.

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.:|Canada's pov|:.

Father was kind enough to let me attend the last day of school to receive the holiday homework from my classes. My head pounded from the pain as I forced my heavy eyes open, I was still in father's room. I sat up from my makeshift bed on the floor that consisted of a duvet, pillow and thin sheet. The room was dimly lit with father snoring on the bed beside me, I quietly stood on my feet, I glanced at my reflection in the mirror and decided to get dressed in a black button down, jeans and sneakers before moving closer to the door. I glanced at the handle, last time I had tried it, it had been locked. I gently held the steel handle in my hand, twisting it hopefully. It opened. I could see out to the hallway and the top of the stairs, the furthest I had seen in a few days. I glanced at America and Australia's rooms, the doors closed. I stepped out of my father's room and quietly stepped to the stairs, climbing down them in search of the kitchen.

I open the cabinets and begin to pull out flour, sugar, baking soda and vanilla essence, from the fridge I grab the milk, eggs and butter. I begin to make pancakes. When making pancakes I enter my happy place, a pastel meadow with white fluffy clouds floating above me. There is the occasional bug or bee buzzing around my hands in search of flowers, of which there are plenty. The flowers are every colour, red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, a few with content butterflies perched to drink the nectar. The sunshine warming my face as the day goes on, never too hot or cold. A glass shatters and suddenly I'm in the last place I want to be, The batter is done and I had already made half of it into spongy pancakes. I look over at the glass on the floor then up at America, who dropped it.
"Brother you're going to get in trouble again if Father heard that." I mumble out, flipping my perfect pancakes. America rolls his eyes and begins to sweep up the mess.
"Then just don't tell him I dropped it..." He says, tipping the shards of glass into the bin.

"Want some pancakes?" I ask, attempting to change the conversation topic. It was an unspoken rule not to discuss Father or his bizarre punishments. I doubted he'd even ask what happened when I was moved into fathers room for the last couple days.
"Mm? Oh sure, I'm starving. Load me up daddy" He says, trying to suppress a giggle. I froze up, looking behind him. Britain stood on the steps in his usual day suit, the only difference was his uneasy glare towards America.
"America. That's highly inappropriate to say." He says, louder then what either of us had reached this morning. I plated them both up some pancakes and drizzle over maple syrup on top. America shuffled out of the way for Britain, going to the table to eat. Britain sits at the head of the table like always while I make him a cup of tea.
"Sorry dad... I got caught away again is all." America mumbles, biting into the pancake.

Britain says nothing as I sit down to eat my own breakfast. I quickly eat before standing up to get ready for school. I pack my lunch and books, slightly more excited then usual to go to school. I assumed it was because it was a break from Father or maybe it was because I was starting to get friends? Well, friends is a strong word, it's more like people who don't outright hate me. America also got ready, it seemed like Father let him off the hook for the joke, which shocked me. Australia was sick and had to stay home, which worried me, it always did if America or Australia had to stay home. I stepped outside and began to walk to school with America trailing behind me on his 'secret' phone. I didn't break the rules like America did, maybe that's why Father liked me more? I didn't know. The school gates were busy as usual as we entered, America wondering off to his locker.
"Well, if it isn't five dollar! Ditches class once and then ditches for a couple days." China teased, walking up behind me.
"No... I was- sick... I had to stay home but I wasn't ditching and I am not going to ever again." I mumble as I open my locker.

China leans against the locker next to mine, he continues talking about his week and the week I had missed. I grabbed out my science books, every now and then nodding to seem like I am in the conversation. China pulls out his phone and opens up his contact list before shoving it in my face. I look at it before looking at him confused, was he seriously looking for my number? I don't even have a number, or a phone.
"Fill in your contact five dollar." He demands, putting the phone into my hands. I look at it for a moment, easily the newest model that has been advertised on t.v. I simply hand it back to him and shrug.
"I don't have a phone number, unless you want Father's?" I ask politely hoping the situation can end soon, China just looks at me astonished. For a moment it looks like he freezes still, but it is quickly over.
"Then we'll just have to go at lunch to get you one." He says before walking off.

I sat under the tree at Lunch, hoping China would forget where he found me the first time. I wasn't that lucky. North wondered over, staring down at me with his one eye, he didn't say anything, nor did he have too. He was intimidating enough without words. I stood and grabbed my things before moving over to the table China's group usually sat at.
"five dollar needs a phone, apparently he doesn't have one." China says as Belarus chuckles. Why did she hate me so much? I'll never understand that.
"Wait really? You don't own a phone?" North asks, genuinely shocked by the news. I nodded quietly and mumbled out a half reply.
"I don't have one... Father says they're banned in our house." China smiles and nods before standing up, the other's don't follow. It became very clear that it was only a two person trip.

The car ride was near silent, I was too nervous to speak in a car as fancy as his, last trip there were at least others to keep the chatting going. China kept his eyes on the road and despite what people thought he was a pretty decent driver.
"So five dollar, what do I get as payment for the phone?" He says smiling as my face pales. Of course he wanted something in return, how could I be so blind sighted by a reward? I huff and mumble something about paying him back when I could, It wasn't like I could make 1,200$ in one shift on minimum wage.
"Actually five dollar, I was thinking of something a little more... you." China says grinning. I turn to face him, a little shocked but not surprised, China was known for his blackmail. I groan and nod for him to continue.
"Nothing much, just a small favour to ask." He says, quickly continuing. "I just want you to promise you'll always listen to me, aNd o--y ev3ry co----- I a$k." I couldn't quiet hear that last bit, my brain went all foggy and unfocused. I was sure it wasn't massive, only being a sentence so I nodded.
"Sure... I can listen I guess...?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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