🇨🇦.:|Chapter 1 - The Corridor|:.🇨🇦

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Canada sat down at the table. He was the first one wake, which is what he expected since it was 6:30am. America and Australia wouldn't be up until around 7-ish. New Zealand was at a France's house for the week, she always had liked her mother more then Britain. Canada was just colouring a random picture from his colouring book. This picture was of a bear head with many patterns making it's shape.
"And what do you think you're doing up at this hour French-Canada?" Britain said while standing up on top of the staircase. Even in his pajamas Britain looked ready to meet the Queen, it both scared and intrigued Canada.

"Well, I couldn't get any sleep so I decided to do some colouring. I hope the light didn't wake you Papa." Canada said as he shaped with the purple. Britain stiffly walked down the stairs and sat across from his son.
"Your mother called, she said she wanted to have you over for the holidays. All six weeks." Britain said. It was that time of year when France and Britain fought. They hated each other but they could never fully leave each other.
"Do I have to go again?" Canada asked. He didn't hate his mother but he hated leaving America, New Zealand and Australia alone with Britain.

Britain looked at Canada blankly while he thought. Canada hated when Britain went quiet, it scared him what went on inside his mind. Canada grabbed a lime green pencil and coloured in the eyes of the bear head.
"Of course you have to go. She is a whore but she is still your mother. I thought you were the responsible one." Britain finally said. His voice was unnerved at the insult he had flung out. Canada stayed silent, knowing when Britain spoke in that tone it wasn't a smart idea to disagree.
"Yes Papa." Canada eventually said. He started gathering his pencils and putting them back in the case.

Britain poured himself a cup of tea while unfolding the paper. The day's headline was 'Israel and Palestine, at it again'. Britain watched over the newspaper as Canada started packing up his things. Britain hummed.
"What are you going to do today in class? It's the last week of school no?" Britain said. Canada had to think, he knew he had English, when? He wasn't sure.
"I think I have English, I am not sure when though." Canada replied. Britain nodded before sipping from his cup of tea. Tense silence returned before Canada started preparing to cook pancakes.

It was silent for most of the morning until America and Australia came flying downstairs at 7:15.
"Morning boys." Britain said as Australia sat down in Canada's old spot. America stood in the kitchen next to Canada before pouring a glass of milk.
"I caught a huntsman!" Australia finally proclaimed, slightly annoyed no one asked what he was cupping in his hands.
"Pardon?" Britain replied, confused on what the 10 year old meant. Australia smiled brightly as he placed a very hairy black spider on the table. The spider was about the size of Canada's maple leaf. America screamed in a loud girly tone and drops his glass of milk, the glass scatters and milk goes everywhere.

"French-Canada, Australia; go upstairs." Britain said as he begun to fold his newspaper. Australia quickly grabbed the spider in his hands and went upstairs, not wanting to start anything. America was trying to clean the glass as quickly as he possibly could.
"French-Canada. Upstairs. Now." Britain said as he pushed his chair in. Canada froze in place, his breath caught itself in his throat.
"H-He didn't do anything Papa..." Canada stuttered as his put himself between America and Britain. Britain huffed and grabbed Canada's arm.
"Don't talk back to me boy. You're lucky your mother wants you for the holidays." Britain growled.

Britain glared daggers at America before pulling Canada into the hallway.
"Honestly French-Canada. Do you have any idea what your little stunt will cost you?" Britain said. His tone was dark and unnerving. Canada looked in Britain's eyes before nodding. He knew he would be in more trouble if he didn't comply with Britain. Britain looked at his watch and noticed the time, he looked back at Canada and sighed.
"Go get ready for school French-Canada, America is sick today and tell Australia to remove the spider from my household." Britain said before entering the kitchen and closing the door.

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