"I don't think she sees it though," Lauren frowned slightly.

"She doesn't," Normani shook her head, "she's never been in a relationship before, Troy is her first boyfriend. She thinks this is normal for every relationship."

"First? Wow," Dinah said quietly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Normani turned to Dinah.

"Nothing! It's just that I would've thought, well actually I don't know what I thought. But hey, I can't say much because I haven't been in a relationship," Dinah shrugged.

"You haven't?" Normani's eyebrows raised.

"See," Dinah's lips pulled into a line.

Lauren laughed, "she's my little sheltered baby."

"Have you been in a relationship?" Normani looked at Lauren.

Lauren nodded, "back in high school, but not since then."

"Since we're all sharing, Normani what about you?" Dinah teased.

Normani rolled her eyes, "yes I have, thank you very much."

"Damn," Dinah frowned.

"You'll find someone," Normani patted the closest body part of Dinah's, her shin.

"Thanks," Dinah snorted. It wasn't like she didn't want to be in a relationship, it was just that she was waiting on finding her mate.

"Laur have you done the homework?" Normani asked Lauren.

Dinah's eyebrows furrowed as a wave of anxiety washed over her, her heart rate picking up slightly as her palms started to sweat. Her first thought was Ally. Just then Dinah's phone rang. She picked it up off of the nightstand and showed the others before answering, "hey Als."

"D-Dinah?" Ally sniffled on the other line.

"What happened?" Dinah sat up, catching Lauren and Normani's attention.

"Can you come t-to my dorm, p-please?"

"I'm coming," Dinah got up, motioning towards the door as she slipped her shoes back on. Lauren and Normani stood as well.

"O-okay, can you stay on t-the phone?"

"Of course, baby, talk to me, what happened?" Dinah's tone softened as the three walked out of Lauren's room. Dinah tapped Lauren's shoulder and mouthed 'Ally's dorm' while pointing to the phone. Lauren nodded and told Normani also.

"Um, I d-don't want to say over the phone. But I miss y-ou," a choked sob fell from Ally's lips, making Dinah angrier.

"I miss you too, I'm almost there," Dinah said.

"The door is u-unlocked."

"Okay, I'm going to hang up now, I'm coming down the hallway."

"Okay." Dinah hung up and opened the door first, seeing Ally curled in a ball on her bed. She rushed over and Lauren and Normani walked in behind her, shutting the door.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dinah sat on the bed as Lauren and Normani stood at the foot.

Ally peeked up and shuffled to scoot closer to Dinah. Dinah lifted her with ease and put the blonde in her lap. She buried herself into Dinah's shoulder, gripping onto Dinah's shirt. The brunette wrapped her arms around Ally and frowned at her other friends, rubbing circles on Ally's back as the girl let out a harsh breath.

After a few minutes of sitting there in silence, Ally leaned away and wiped her eyes, looking at her two other friends giving her sad smiles. She laid back into Dinah, this time with the back of her head against Dinah's chest. Dinah's arms were wrapped around her waist, keeping Ally against her securely.

"What happened Allycat?" Normani asked softly.

Ally bit her lip and looked down at her hands, "Troy," she whispered. She winced when Dinah's grip tightened on her waist. Dinah let go instantly as her eyes widened, muttering a rapid apology. Ally shook her head and put her hand on Dinah's, patting it to tell her it was okay. She watched Lauren gripped the foot of the bed and Normani's face distort into her infamous look of disgust.

"What'd he do?" Lauren asked, her voice dropping an octave, almost growling.

Ally pulled a little further into Dinah, "he tried," she paused, "tried to um..."

"Take your time, it's okay," Dinah whispered.

"We were just kissing and he tried to make me suck his dick," Ally forced out with a cringe. Lauren turned to the door and stormed out, Dinah placing Ally on the bed and following after. Normani moved to sit on the bed in front of Ally and took Ally's hands into hers.

"Don't worry about them, they'll handle themselves," Normani said, looking at Ally watch the door, "why would he do that?"

Ally shrugged, "I don't know."

"How'd it make you feel?" Normani pressed.

"Uncomfortable," Ally blurted, "I didn't want to and kept telling him no. He was trying to push my head down but I pulled away and kicked him out."

"Ally," Normani said quietly, "that isn't okay. For him to try and force you, I mean, not you pulling away. That's a good thing, the right thing. But for him to push you like that," Normani trailed off with a shake of her head.

"I know," Ally whispered, looking down before looking back up, "am I doing something wrong? Like, should we already have done something?"

Normani shook her head rapidly, "no, no. Not if you don't feel comfortable. You are doing nothing wrong, Ally."

"But it feels like it," Ally mumbled.

"I'm telling you that you aren't doing anything wrong. There is nothing wrong with going at your own pace and saying no when you are uncomfortable, even to your boyfriend," Normani sighed, pulling Ally into a hug.

"Thank you," Ally said, resting her chin on Normani's shoulder.

"Of course," Normani nodded, pulling away, "but I hope you know he's lost my respect, and I assume Lauren and Dinah's as well."

Ally bit her lip, "I figured when they stormed out."

"The relationship is becoming toxic, Als," Normani said with an edge.

"I know," Ally whispered.

"Trying to force a partner into a sexual act isn't normal," Normani continued.

"I know," Ally nodded.

"You could do so much better," Normani whispered, looking away. That was the one Ally didn't believe. Normani was going to say something until the door opened again, Dinah throwing Lauren in by the ear, eliciting a whimper from the raven haired girl. Dinah closed the door and motioned at Lauren.

"Sorry for storming out like that Als," Lauren stood at the edge of the bed, fiddling with the comforter, "I didn't mean to. I was just mad and didn't want to take it out on you."

Ally shook her head and wrapped her arms around Lauren, "it's okay, I understand."

"I just want the best for you, and after hearing that, I can conclude Troy isn't the best," Lauren said. Normani chuckled at how scholarly she sounded, that voice was only reserved for class.

"I know, thank you for looking out for me," Ally mumbled. Lauren wrapped herself around Ally, rubbing her shoulder before pulling away. "Can we go get something to eat? I'm hungry," Ally looked up.

"It is dinner time," Normani added, looking at her phone. She had a few text notifications from Troy, which she rolled her eyes at.

"Let's go eat," Dinah said, holding the door open. The other girls filed out of the room, walking towards the elevator as Ally grabbed Dinah's hand. Dinah intertwined their fingers and gave three light squeezes. Ally smiled up at Dinah and got onto the elevator.

a/n: hiiiii i love making troy the bad guy it's too easy

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