Author's Note

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I think it is pretty safe to say that I am joining in to the league of readers turned novice writers who got so involved in this fandom that the only way out is by digging deeper!

This is the first time I am writing anything. So, if you didn't like it, I apologize in advance.
A fair warning is necessary if you decide to read this. I am someone who struggles with terrible social anxiety. So, if you find me a little unresponsive, please don't mind. I must be trying to will myself to come ahead and reply.

I have been part of SOTUS from the last 1 year and there have been so many tropes that don't bode well with my feminist self. Thus, I decided to indulge myself in my own version of a healthy relationship between two males. If anytime during reading, you feel like some toxicity is present, please let me know. I would love to learn more and grow a little.

Thank You for giving this piece a chance!
Happy Reading. 💫

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