(Y/n) Placed her hand on the ground, as she heard on the background Todoroki incentivating Iida to fight. The green light that eminated from her eyes mixed with the blue, creating a cyan.

Calculating the villains every movement, she tried to predict his next movement.

Target Aquired

,Shoot him?


Golden Ice spikes began to shoot out of the ground, breaking completely the villain's rhythm. Todoroki look at her, did she just copy his quirk? Todoroki not second guessing began to pick up on her pace as the villain's movement become even more predictable.

Stain began to run towards Shoto evading both (Y/n)'s and his quirk, until he appeared beside Todoroki, with his sword ready to cut his arm. Iida began to get up, starting his engines, breaking stains sword before it could reach Todoroki.

Turning his body midair he kicked the villain away. "Iida!" Midoriya yelled as (Y/n) gawked at how fast he is.

"You got free? That quirk isn't as great as I thought." (Y/n) nodded to Todoroki's statement. Her subconscious worring about her wound that was taking a while to heal.

"Todoroki, (L/n), Midoriya, this has nothing to do with you three, and I apologize." Iida bowed, as Midoriya complained about him saying it again. "That's why I can't allow you three to bleed more than this!" Stain threw his blade away.

"It's no use trying o be reformed for appearance's sake" Stain's hand kept bleeding from when he held the blade. "A person's essence does not change so easily, you will never be anything but a fake who prioritizes his on selfish desires."

He narrowed his eyes "You are a cancer to society that wraps the idea of "heroes". Someone must set you straight."

He sound like such a badass, what the heck.

Todoroki tried to argue back, but Iida said that was right but he could not give up, he had to live up to his brother's name. Stains eyes glowed red, Todoroki pushed Iida back, throwing fire toward the Hero Killer.

Native tried to argue with Todorokim who simply ignored his demand. Iida tried to start his engine, after the unsucessful attempt he asked Todoroki. Suddenly, a knife was thrown to Todoroki's face, (Y/n) quickly got up and blocked the knife with her arm, spashing some blood on Todoroki's face.

"Oop- sorry 'bout that" She unsucessfully tried to wipe the blood from his face, but ended up just smudging more blood onto his face. Another knife was thrown pinning Iida to the ground.

Todoroki began to regulate the temperature of his engine, as (Y/n) took off the knife from his arm. Iida started his engine more powerful then before. Jumping, Iida reached for Stain alongside Midoriya, both hitting the hero killer.

Stain grabbed the knife, trying to slice him, but Iida managed to kick him again. Leaving the perfect oportunity for Todoroki to burn the villain. (Y/n) created some ice to soften Midoriya and Iida's fall, leading them to the ground, But they ended up hitting their heads on a wall of ice.

"OH MY GOD -SORRY!!" (Y/N) panicked checking both boys as Todoroki placed a hand back

"Stand back! He' still-" And on the dark of the night, all of their eyes met Stain who layed on top of an Ice tower.

"He's probably knocked out after all that...right?" They looked at the body speechless. Todoroki looked at them.

"Let's restrain him and get him out to the street. Is there anything to tie him up with?" Todoroki asked looking at Midoriya.

"Just in case, let's take all his weapons off him"

"Good idea" Out of nowhere, (Y/n)'s legs gave up, she sat on the floor mindlessly looking at the villain. Her eyes going back to her beautiful (e/c). She sighed thankful everybody was safe.

"uhm- guys?" They looked at her, taking in her destroyed state. Her messy hair, her ripped clothes stained with blood. "I don't think my legs work anymore" Todoroki sighed, and with a slight smile on his face, he offered her a piggy back ride.

"From how far did you come from, anyway?" Midoriya glanced at (Y/n) who was currently wrapping her arms around todoroki's neck. (Y/n) hummed.

"Esuha City" Everybody looked at her shocked.


"Yeah, anything for my babies" She said as she imitated kissing emotions. They smiled seeing how far she'd actually go for them. She snuzzled her face on Todoroki's neck, making the boy blush by her sudden action.

She sighed, breathing in his scent "You smell like strawberry milk"

"and you smell like Honey and vodka." She chuckled under her breath.

"I guess I do."



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Hmmm...Is that a new power I see?


...It's basically a useless power, so don't worry too much about it....

....You won't see her use it much...but her mother...

...That's another story.....I'll explain it in the future, so don't worry 🐙!!!

🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙 BAI 🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙🐙

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