Chapter 1

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I was tired. So tired my bones hurt. Of course, this may sound like an exaggeration, but after a ten-hour shift, being completely exhausted is a normal part of the routine. Even though I was tired, I was not as exhausted as the mother who gave birth to twins must've been. She had eight hours of labor and one of the babies came to the world big and healthy, while the other was small and tiny. 

"It is a beautiful girl and a very handsome boy." I handed her the baby girl.

"We will name her Vida. It means life in Spanish," she said, kissing the baby's little head. "And he is going to be named Joy."

The mother didn't have milk for both of them. So we had to start a campaign to ask for other mothers to donate.

My shift ended with a heartwarming picture of this beautiful new family, the father crying while holding them.

"It's so rewarding to be a nurse at moments like, isn't it, Tay?" I asked her while we were signing off from our shift, ready to go home. "But oh boy, is it tiresome. A hot bath is all I need right now. And a good book."

"I envy you, girl. I gotta go feed three little monsters before sleeping like a rock."

"If it makes you feel any better, I have to feed Mr. Tinkle." She rolled her eyes.

"Do me a favor and drink some wine for me." She got into her car, and I got in my old truck. I've had this truck for so many years now, and even though I had enough money to trade it in, I never did. That's how attached I am to stuff. My uncle had taught me from a very young age how to fix and properly take care of cars, so it was still as good as always.

I parked in front of my small, yellow, cozy house. It had been love at first sight. My very own small and special place in the world.

Mr. Tinkle was not expecting me to come home, judging by the pillow he was ripping apart. He usually didn't have to stay alone for long, but whenever I had long shifts, like today, I would pay Maggie, my niece, to take him out for a walk. Mr. Tinkle seemed to be so happy to see me, so I didn't complain about the pillow. I know I said I am attached to stuff, but not all kinds of stuff, I mean just the emotional ones.

"I guess someone has a new toy." I kissed and hugged him. "I'll let you sleep with me."

I took the long shower I'd promised myself. Honestly, my joints hurt. That's what the years do. Plus, not having a seat for ten hours straight.

Halley is a small city and, of course, our hospital is not a big one; however, that doesn't mean there isn't lots of work to be done.

"C'mon, let's go have a seat outside, boy." I grabbed the chosen book of the day and headed to the backyard, my favorite place in the entire world. It was filled with roses of different colors, white callas, and three big trees. Also, there were some stone benches and a swing covered with grapevines. The bird pond was the icing on the cake.

I put two pillows on the hard banks; I couldn't ever leave them outside, not just because it rained a lot in Halley, but also because no one ever knew when Mr. Tinkle would want a new toy. He sat down by my feet, playing and half destroying his favorite toy, Mia. It was a teddy bear that I always had to sew over and over again.

"It's you and I now," I said to the book in my hands. It was an old book. I used to love it and hadn't read it for many years, but helping to welcome twins into the world reminded me of this sweet story.

My romantic soul was always yearning for a good love story.

When I opened the book, a picture fell on the floor.

I completely forgot I had used this as a bookmark. Wild, happy smiles that came directly from my past took me back in time.

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