Chapter 3

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Waking up so early to go to class was not my favorite part of the day, but it got a little bit better when I found out Gary Phillips, and I got to be in the same class. He looked even better then his brother, but somehow he didn't get my attention.

"Sarah, is it okay if the boys come with us? They live nearby as well," Mary Angel asked me during lunchtime while being completely ignored by Alana, who was seated by my side.

"Yes, why not? They seem to be fun." She smiled at me before heading to her table with her friends.

"I don't know why you insist on going back home with her."

"My mom feels better if I don't go home all by myself. 'You never know where danger lurks' is kind of her go-to phrase."

"She should come to pick you up then. "Alana was not in a good mood, apparently. Mary Angel and my parents had talked to each other, and now we would go back together every single day. Not from time to time anymore.

"She works, remember? Now c'mon, we already discussed this, Alana. Angel is not a bad girl."

"Yeah, whatever. I'm done eating." She rolled her eyes and pushed the half-full tray away. "Hey, I am going to go for Julien. I never know where he goes during lunch break. I might give him a chance of us getting back together, formally."

I had no classes with Julien, so I didn't see him until the classes were dismissed.

"Hey, you. How are you doing, historian boy?" I said when Mary Angel and I met Julien and his brother outside of the school, waiting for us.

"I am doing great, funny girl. So, my brother and I will escort you two home, huh?"

"We are the ones taking you home. Literally, since you probably don't even know the street names yet," Mary Angel answered, and we gave each other a super high five.

"I feel like I heard a lot about you, but I didn't get introduced yet. I am Gary."

"Nice to meet you! I am..."

"Sarah Macklemore. Yes, I know. Someone talked a lot about you." Julien blushed, and it made me laugh. Wait, did he just blush? What book did this guy jump out of? Being cute and all aside... Did he talk about me to his brother? I wanted to be a time-traveling fly to get to hear what Julien said. I heard Mary Angel and Gary talking to each other, but I couldn't think about anything to say.

"Alana was looking for you during lunchtime." It was good to remind myself about his girlfriend, who happened to be my friend.

"Oh yes? I was at the library. There are so many amazing books in there."

"My brother is nuts about books." Gary got into our conversation. "You have no idea how much we are going to hear about fictional characters as if they were his best friends until he finds another amazing book that we then will get to hear what that whole story is about. And on and on until the end of eternity."

"I like books as well. Only the romantic ones, though."

"See, Gary? Cool people read. That's what we do. Funny girl, right here, is the living proof. Plus, I don't complain about you whistling all the time. Don't even get me started about how much girls love intellectual guys. That's the secret of my charm, brother. Don't give it away."

"I am not so sure about that. Do you know what I am sure they like?" Gary didn't wait for an answer. "Crazy people. I am crazy, girls, so you are free to like me. But most importantly, you are free to join us as we will steal Daddy's car and go for a ride."

"Right now?"

"Unless you have something more interesting to do, Sarah. Mary Angel is coming with us." Mary Angel nervously smiled at him.

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