Chapter 10

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"Are you ready?" Julien held my hand tighter as we approached Alana's door.

"No, I am not. But I guess we gotta do this, right?" He nodded and kissed my hand before ringing the bell. We could hear the party sounds of music and people talking, which got louder when Alana's father opened the door.

"Oh, Sarah, hi! So long since I saw you." He added to Julien in a much more serious tone, "Gentleman."

Julien simply nodded back, and I could tell he was even more nervous than I was, and I was sick nervous.

"Hi, Mr. Madow! You look fine, all classy in that suit." He let us in and laughed at me.

"Always so gallant. You should consider getting into politics in the future, my darling. Alana is right over there." Mr. Madow pointed at her, and I saw Alana talking to a group of older girls, probably her cousins. "She will be glad to see you. I have to go assist some guests but make yourselves home."

"I will go get us something to drink." Julien caressed me on the cheek before leaving me alone in the huge living room that made me feel small and insignificant.

Alana saw me and waved. She was wearing a beautiful long blue dress. She was pretty with her long brown hair falling down her back.

"You came." She put her hands in mine.

"I told you I would, didn't I?" She pulled me in for a hug, and I held her tight. "I am sorry, Alana."

I didn't want to cry, but my chin was already trembling. The music disappeared for me, as did the people I knew were surrounding us.

"Follow me, let's go somewhere we can talk." Alana grabbed my hand, and I followed her to the backyard, where a few people were talking and drinking.

"I think we will be safe here. I have so much to tell you, Sarah! I am so, so, so sorry for the terrible words I said to you. Please forgive me for that."

I didn't expect her to apologize.

"Are you crazy? You don't have to apologize, I do." We sat on a bank next to a naked statue. "I was an awful friend. I mean, I don't even know where to start."

I looked around, sighing. Having a house like hers and this lifestyle had meant so much to me not so long ago.

"I am sorry about the whole Julien thing. It was not planned, and I promise I didn't fall for him on purpose. I didn't try to steal Julien from you; it was never a competition."

I grabbed her hand and held it in mine.

"For the longest time I was jealous of all that you had, Alana. I felt like life was so unfair that I got stuck with problematic parents, in a poor neighborhood, having to help my mom when I should just be playing around and not worrying about debts. Like you were. I don't want to justify it though. I only want to tell you that I am profoundly sorry because I didn't know then what I do now. My life is amazing the way it is because its mine and I get to share it with people I love. I just want a small yellow house for me with a puppy, to share with someone I love."

Alana started crying.

"Hey, don't cry." I hugged her. "We can be friends again, can't we? We can fix this whole situation, right?"

"I don't think so, Sarah." She shook her head, sobbing. "Oh, my dear. I am going to miss you so hard."

"Alana, you are worrying me. Is everything okay?" She cried harder, and a thought crossed my mind.

"Are you pregnant?" I've heard about teenagers getting pregnant before, and it was not an easy situation.

"Jesus Christ, no!" It made her smile, but I was still worried. I didn't understand why she was crying so hard. "I am leaving. For good."

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