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"Get lost, pig" the woman screamed, and an egg hit Jimin on the right shoulder. She reached out for another one but Jimin was already gone. He fled through the door and ran through the tunnels of the castle, through shortcuts only he knew. He sprinted through the gate into the village and jumped to the left as a horse-drawn carriage approached him. Angrily, he wiped a tear on his cheek as he kept running. He darted between the small, crooked houses with thatched roofs, dodged every person on the road, jumped over white painted fences, scraping his knee on the cobblestone road but didn't slow down until he had reached the outskirts of the little village. When he had made sure no one was around, he collapsed in the grass breathing heavily. A sharp pain reminded him of his knee wound and with a snippet of his shirt he carefully removed dirt and gravel, sucked in air, when he accidentally brushed over the parts, where his flesh was exposed. He rolled around on his back and stared up at the sky.
The clouds were moving quickly across the sky due to the strong wind that day. Jimin eyed a cloud that kind of looked like a whale. His eyes followed the cloud until it reached in the horizon and Jimin could no longer see it. Far away from this little town, it must have gone. Imagine being a cloud. Travelling all over the world, seeing beautiful places and cities, untouched and sacred, safe from the diseasing touch of humanity. Jimin hadn't seen much beauty in the world or in the little village, where he grew up. He never belonged anywhere, he was ordered around by the adults and bullied by the other children in the village. Jimin's thoughts wandered and after what felt like a minute an hour had already passed and the sun had started to set. To his regret Jimin had to get back before dark and he got up to walk the same way back – this time at a slow pace and breathed the fresh air in and enjoyed the silence before he reached the cobblestone road again. Compared to the village at midday, there weren't a lot of people on the street and he liked it better this way. As a fleeing black shadow, he snuck through the gate and into the castle to his little cold, grey room.

The Truth UntoldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon