Dance, Not a Brothel

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"Have you seen Florence?" Clair questioned eagerly.

"No, I was just looking for her myself." Sam replied with a frown.

Just then, Cathryn strode up beside Clair looking magnificent in her ball gown. It was an ivory sort of color, with hints of jade lace and silk thrown in. And God, how Clair wanted to sweep her into a rather un-sisterly type hug right then. Except, both the Fitzsimmons' and the Fawns were oblivious to their love. Cathryn's hoop skirt belled out at least a foot away from her waist on either side so it swayed as she walked.

"I don't suppose either of you have spotted Florence?" She guessed.

"No, we were both just discussing her whereabouts our self." Clair quickly explained, looking between himself and Sam.

"Well, I'm dying to see her dress! Make sure to come find me if you do see her!" With that, she flounced off in the direction of a table laden with goodies. She seemed in especially good spirits, Clair noted happily.

"Now, where is Mr. Prestigious as well?" Sam quizzed goofily.

"Who, you mean Ruby?" Clair replied with a chuckle at the accurate nickname.

"Yes, Ruby indeed."

"Well, I can't say I've seen him either. Probably off somewhere waltzing with a random young lady." Clair remarked.

"You don't suppose they're missing together, do you?" Sam insinuated with a playful shimmy of his shoulders.

Clair's blood ran cold for a split second before he managed to clear his throat and speak. "No, I don't suppose they're off 'together.'" He answered with a mocking tone.

"This is a dance, not a brothel." He added.

Sam laughed at his comment and turned away with a shrug of his shoulders. With a sigh of defeat, Clair shuffled over to where the quartet played and allowed himself to be absorbed into the music and his own thoughts. He wanted to be with Florence. Twirling her across the floor like she'd never been twirled before. Not sitting here all alone. And the mere thought that she could be off somewhere with Ruby was too much to bear. He wasn't safe for her, and Clair felt an odd sense of responsibility over her. As cunning and deceiving as Ruby could seem, he would still always be the person who broke Cathryn's heart in two. And the idea that he could possibly be gallivanting off with Florence and discarding his affection for Cathryn so quickly! Clair sat himself down into a chair against the wall.

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