The Devil's Tavern

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"You think I'd go anywhere without a tad bit of argent?" Ruby jested.


The four children walked leisurely along the cobblestone streets of London. The gas lamps provided little illumination, but Florence liked it like that. For the first time she felt like she was having an adventure.

"I say we go for a drink." Cathryn proposed with a coy smile.

Florence's heart fluttered, she had a feeling this night would be like something out of a book.

"I vote with the woman." Ruby affirmed, nodding towards Cathryn.

"How about you?" He cheated towards Florence.

"As if I could ever disagree with Cathryn." She remarked.

Clair gave a soft chuckle beside her. Florence reached out and clutched his hand, luckily their bodies were pressed close enough that the other two couldn't see.

"Do you know of any bars around here?" Ruby challenged Florence.

She only had to think for a fleeting moment, before directing them down a darker street. The stones underfoot were uneven, and they had to be careful as to not let their toes catch on one and fall. Florence enjoyed the danger as little as it was. She led the other three farther down the deserted street until the building came into play.

"The Devil's Tavern." Ruby read from the hanging sign.

A grin took hold of his gorgeous lips as he studied the building. Filthy brick, smoke pouring from the chimney, the muffled chatter of people from the inside. It had an oddly welcoming feeling for a bar, one where the inside was most likely already filled with drunks. Cathryn flounced past them and into the building independently. Florence let out a stifled shriek of laughter at Cathryn's eagerness. Followed by laughs and snickers from the two boys on either side. Ruby walked past her, and Florence and Clair stumbled after him.

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