Little Bit of Cathryn

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The singsong chirping of birds woke Cathryn up in a quite princess like manor. She sat her stiff body up, finding she was still wearing her alcohol stained dress from the previous night. It was all much a blur, at least after their game of hide n' seek. She gave a groan and stretched her arms to the high ceilings.

Quietly, she left her room and padded down the hall to the water closet. Thankfully, there were no occupants. Cathryn twisted the brass knob shut and splashed her face messily with the cold water. The mirror in here was barely tarnished, so she could see her rough state perfectly. Her usually pristine curls were tangled into a mess and stuck wildly from the sides of her head. Random dark splotches decorated her brick red gown, and she felt awful.

With no other idea in sight, she hurried back to her room to head to sleep once more. After all, it was fairly early she supposed. Based on the muted color of the sky, the sun hadn't fully rose yet. Once she'd arrived at the room, Cathryn tore her dress off and slipped on a nightgown she'd packed. It smelled like her home back in Liverpool. The girl gave a saddened sigh and lumbered over to the bed. With a heavy heart, she managed to push away all her home-sickness and let her eyelids flutter shut

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