Beau Nom

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"Dieu, je ne t'ai pas vu là-bas" Ruby exclaimed, straining his neck to get a closer look at his intruder.

He then translated himself, "Sorry, I didn't notice you were here." He muttered.

"It's alright." Aurora responded stoutly.

Ruby sank to his knees to come eye to eye with her.

"What are you doing in here?" She questioned him.

"Just looking at the les chevaux." Ruby explained gently, looking over his shoulder at the brown stallion.

"That's French for horses." Ruby announced with a wink.

Aurora's sweet giggle filled the stale stable air.

"Do you want to know his name?" She asked Ruby politely.

Ruby bobbed his head up and down in response. Aurora skipped over to the horse, knowing how to be gentle with it already. She toddled her way up the boxes so she was tall enough to reach the horse's back.

"He's Tammy." She answered proudly, whilst stroking the horses mane with her tiny hands.

"I like that name." Ruby declared, moving towards the horse, hay crunching underfoot.

"Shouldn't you be at breakfast?" Aurora inquired, changing the subject quickly as children do.

"Shouldn't you be doing schoolwork?" He shot back with a grin.

A smile bloomed on her small lips as she looked at him. Slowly, you could see her eyes light up, like she'd made a revelation. Ruby suspected she'd reveal it to him momentarily.

"Ruby, would you mind showing me Maylis?" She asked ever so politely, leaving Ruby with completely no way of turning her down.

In response he scooped her up, placing her delicately back on the floor of the stables. He beckoned Aurora along over his shoulder as he strolled out of the dusty stables. Together they walked through the hallway, until they reached Maylis' room. 

It was still rather early in the morning, but dawning on the perfect time to wake the child, Ruby noticed thoughtfully.

Ruby stood back as Aurora's eager hand shot up and twisted the doorknob. She moved quietly as to not disturb the child, Ruby smiled towards her. Following her into the room, he leaned over the cradle to examine his daughter. Her full face, unaffected by age or wrinkles of worry. Her small cheeks, puffing in and out with each miraculous breath. Reaching down into the cradle, he wrapped his arms gently beneath her.

"Bonjour mon amour." He whispered to Maylis as he always had, hugging her to his chest.

Upon hearing Aurora's amazed breaths, he turned around to let her see the child. Ruby sat down in a chair, and Aurora quickly stumbled over to him. She hovered her petite face over Maylis' Ruby smiled, seeing that Aurora's cheeks were puffed out, holding her breath.

"She won't wake, don't fret." He assured.

Aurora turned her luminous eyes up towards him. They twinkled with fascination.

"May I touch her Ruby." She squeaked out.

"Oui." Ruby whispered back.

Aurora understood enough basic French to know "oui" meant "yes." Extending her small shaky hand, she rested it atop Maylis' head.

"She's quite pretty." Aurora marveled, eyes fixated on the baby.

"She is, isn't she. She gets it from her mother." Ruby admitted, heart sinking, although Aurora would never understand the importance of his answer.

"Prettier than Rose." Aurora added, a sort of dismal tone creeping upon her words.

"Now who is Rose?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Oh, just my baby doll." The child answered, continuing to stroke the Maylis' tufts of hair.

"Did you chose that name?"

"Yes, I did." Aurora answered matter-a-factly.

"Rose." Ruby echoed, tasting the name, his accent thick.

"Beau nom." He muttered in French.

"What does that mean?" Aurora quizzed, looking up at him.

"Beautiful name."

"Do you know what the name Maylis means?" He asked Aurora.

"No." She answered, cocking her head ever so slightly to the side.

"It means mother." Ruby answered, eyes transfixed upon his daughter with dreamlike admiration.

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