Chapter 13: Girl's Night Out

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Written By: @SmillingAsssassin 

Edited By: @jojopotato808

~The Next Morning~
Illumi left early that morning because Silva had called him back to Zoldyck manor, most likely for a job. You were having a cup of coffee, lounging around admiring your view of the sunrise from your beautiful new apartment.

Earlier in the week, Pakunoda contacted all the women in the Phantom Troupe and arranged a "girls night out" of sorts. You didn't know them too well but you figured this would be a good opportunity to get to know them.  You spent the afternoon decorating and roaming around your building. It was nearing 7 o'clock, the time you were supposed to meet the rest of the girls, so you entered your closet and slipped into a little black cocktail dress. You put your hair up in a simple bun and applied a light layer of makeup, going for a more natural look. On your way out the door, you bumped into a tower of muscles cloaked in leather and fur.

"My my, doll, you didn't have to get all dressed up for little old me" he laughed and pulled you in for a sweet kiss.

"I didn't. I'm going out" you responded.

"Where? With who?" he asked worriedly.

"Pakunoda, Machi, and Shizuku. We're just having some drinks. I'll be back later," you said as you turned to leave. 

He caught your wrist and pulled you toward his broad chest. He caught your chin in his hand and brought your lips to his, planting a passionate kiss on your mouth.

"I'll be waiting for you then," he said, stepping out of your way.

You made your way to the pub that was a few blocks from the loft. You stood and observed the area. It didn't look like anything special. There were cheap lights out front and the inside was dim with but a few seating areas and a single pool table. You entered anyway and found Pakunoda and the others sitting at a large booth in the back.

"Hey, Y/n! Over here!" they called

"Hi everyone," you greeted feeling a little nervous.

"Sorry that this isn't a high class place like the ones we usually hit up. We prefer to keep a low profile when off the job," Machi explained.

"Oh, don't even worry about it. This feels more comfortable anyway," you smiled softly.

You sat down next to Machi as Shizuku went to get a round of shots for the table.

"Here we go! Doubles to get us started," Shizuku said, placing a tray of tequila shots down in front of you.

You inhaled deeply, bracing for a night of drinking with some of the most powerful women in the city. The rounds just kept on coming and each one was in a double- sized glass. You lost count of just how many you'd had as you began to sway and slur your words.

"So y/n, what's it like to have three sexy boyfriends?" Pakunoda asked forwardly.

"Um... well..., I don't really think of them as boyfriends" you answered meekly.

"Then what are they to you?" Shizuku asked 

"Hmm I don't know... I've never really been in a relationship" you responded

"WHAT?!" they all nearly spat out their drinks.

"Is it that surprising? I grew up as an assassin trained by the Zoldycks. I know how to manipulate people but I have know idea how to, like,... I don't know, like or love others?" you defended.

"Hmm, I guess that makes sense..." Pakunoda pondered.

"But you're so hot. I'm sure you've had plenty of opportunities," Machi mocked.

"Well, sure, but with targets and others like me. No sane person has ever approached me like that. I , Chrollo, Hisoka, and Illumi are all assassins," you stated.

"True..." Shizuku concurred.

"I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know how to be a girlfriend or anything! All I know is how to seduce and kill..." you sighed.

"Start simple then. Which one of them do you like best?" Pakunoda poked.

"Like best? Hmmm..., But they're all so different. I've known Illumi since we were kids and we know practically everything about each other. On the other hand, I relate to Hisoka pretty well and we get along great. I feel comfortable around him. And Chrollo is really passionate and romantic and makes me feel like I'm in a movie. But that all aside, how can you even tell different feelings apart?"

"What do you mean?" Shizuku asked.

"I think I would develop feelings for anyone who gave me as much attention as those three. Like, how am I supposed to know what love is?" you asked , deadpanning.

"Hey, I have an idea," Machi said, smirking and leaning in close. She stroked the side of your cheek and hooked a finger under your jaw. She aligned your mouth with hers, locking you into her gaze. Her soft lips grazed yours before her slick tongue entered and immediately attacked all your favorite places. You had never been with a woman before, but you now knew it's benefits. She pulled away slowly and stared into your eyes.

"Um, w-what was that for?" you stammered out, blushing fiercely

"I gave you attention. Do you feel any different about me now?" She asked.

"Well, that was a really good kiss... but no," you replied.

"See? You feel differently towards the guys. It may not be love yet, but it's something," Pakunoda concluded.

"Ah, I see. Thank you guys," you said, turning your attention back to your drink. You all had a wonderful night; drinking,dancing, and singing in that bar that barely had any people in it.

After a few hours, you stumbled your way towards your home and made it to the elevator. Soon, you made it to the top floor and wobbled to your apartment door. Chrollo was anxiously awaiting your return and flung the door open when he heard your feet dragging down the hallway.

"You're quite late," he huffed bluntly

"I wwass drinkingg~" you slurred.

"Right, I see. Anyway, welcome home," he said planting a quick peck on your lips. He raised his eyebrow and kissed you again, deeper, tasting you.

"Did you kiss someone else tonight?" he questioned sternly, keeping your drunken body steady with his sturdy arms.

"Hm? Oh yeah. It was Machi. Did you know she is an excellent kisser?" you laughed.

"Doll, just go to bed. I'll come join you in a few minutes," he said calmly.

"What? You're not going to keep touching me?" you pouted, disappointed.

"We'll talk in the morning. If I touch you, I want you to be able to see and feel me properly," he said looking deep into your hazy eyes.

"Okay~" you responded, heading to your room. Your head was spinning as you flopped onto your bed, letting your legs dangle off the sides. You undid your hair, letting it fall gracefully to your shoulders and let your dress collect on the ground. Chrollo stood in the doorway and gazed at your beautifully flushed body and had to bite his lip to keep himself from taking you right there.
"Would you like me to grab you some pajamas, doll?" he asked, watching you start to climb under your covers wearing only your undergarments.

"No! I'm hot" you responded matter-of-factly.

"Okay then, he replied before sliding into bed with you.

You squirmed around in the sheets trying to find his warmth before he pulled you flush against his body.

"I thought you said you were hot," he whispered into the shell of your ear.

"I like feeling your heat~" you murmured back, snuggling in close against his chest before drifting into a peaceful slumber.

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