Chapter Ten: Jackson's Trust

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Chapter Ten: Jackson's Trust

Chapter Ten: Jackson's Trust

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January 30th, 2035

5:46 p.m.

9 Days, 10 Hours, and 15 Minutes Later

(Y/N) sighed quietly, the snow crunching under her feet as she walked through Jackson on her own accord, Maria was proud of her for finally going outside without being guilt tripped by Ellie. Truth be told she was bored out of her mind, Maria and Tommy were busy, Ellie had to watch over Bella and her piglets, and Joel, who would've been her last resort, was on patrol with one of the rookies. So that left (Y/N) to her own devices.

(Y/N) flinched, nearly slipping on a patch of ice as a little boy, no old than four ran past her, giggling up a storm as three more kids, presumably his friends, chased after him, holding out their hands to tag him. Breathing a sigh of relief, (Y/N) continued walking, seeing that the boys had stopped at the edge of the street, waiting to cross as the trading cart rolled past them.

(Y/N) stopped just a few feet behind them, nodding at the man who guided the horses at the front of the cart. The man nodded back with a smile as they passed. As soon as the cart passed the boys grinned and started to run again, one of them slipping on a patch of ice in the middle of the road as they did so.

Looking back down at the group of boys, (Y/N) saw them all huddled around one boy in the middle of the street as she heard a loud neigh coming from down the road, followed by a man calling out, "Watch out!" (Y/N) looked to her left down the street, seeing a horse running with all its might towards the group of boys who were too worried about their friend to notice that they were in the way, "Jasper?" She whispered, seeing the spots on his snout.

Looking back over at the group of boys, (Y/N) sprinted towards them, standing in between them and Jasper as the frightened horse slid to a stop, neighing loudly as he stood up on his back legs. (Y/N) held up her hands, "Hey, easy boy, easy..." She said calmly, grabbing his reins gently but tightly to stop him from shaking his head around, Jasper neighed in response, "Whoa, Whoa, easy buddy, easy. It just me, Jasper, it's (Y/N)." Jasper snorted as (Y/N) forced him to look at her, his heart beat calming down as
he caught sight of (Y/N)'s calm, (e/c) orbs.

"That's it. Good boy." She said, keeping eye contact before placing a hand on his snout, moving her thumb back and forth across it. The people around her froze in shock as she calmed Jasper down,
(Y/N) had the reputation of only caring for herself and always wanting to hurt someone in Jackson but her saving the group of boys made them realize that they were wrong. A man, that she recognized as Michael, came running up to her, panting for breath.

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