Chapter Nine: Through The Cracks

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Chapter Nine: Through The Cracks

Chapter Nine: Through The Cracks

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January 21st, 2035

3:45 a.m.

10 Days, 19 Hours, and 18 Minutes Later

(Y/N) stared at the wooden ceiling above her, her eyes tracing over the grooves and bumps of the wood as she layed in her bed. Sleep wasn't coming easy tonight. It had been just over a week since (Y/N) had woken up in Jackson and she still wasn't used to the amount of people she would see everyday, whether it was when she watched them through her window or when Maria and Ellie forced her to get some fresh air.

Sighing silently, (Y/N) sat up slowly and threw her legs over the edge of the overly soft bed, it felt like a giant marshmallow, like every night she was gonna sink to the floor and suffocate to death. Standing up, (Y/N) pressed her hand on her stomach and grunted in discomfort. The wound hadn't been looked at since
(Y/N) almost shot that doctor, What was her name again? She thought as she tiptoed over to her window, opening the blinds to let the moonlight illuminate the room, Amy, I think it was.

No doctors or nurses for that matter, wanted it see her, in fears that they would be her next victim. (Y/N) sighed, staring down at the snow covered dirt road. She felt slightly guilty for scaring the woman, after all she did save her life, but she would never admit it out loud or Ellie would tease her relentlessly about having a soft spot or whatever the hell she called it.

Taking in a deep breath, (Y/N) looked around at the buildings by Joel and Ellie's house where she was staying, there were mostly houses for other people in the town, a small playground for the smaller kids, who (Y/N) steered away from for the most part, and a large barn a couple blocks down, where they kept the livestock and horses. Overall the town wasn't that bad, but (Y/N) had quickly learned in her time of being there that it would take some time for people to get used to her and vise versa.

Looking away from the window,
(Y/N) grabbed her guitar and the pack of strings that Tommy had found for her at an old music store just outside of Jackson, slinging the strap over her shoulder before walking out of her room. Staying silent, (Y/N) walked down the hallway before going down the stairs to Joel and Ellie's living room. Starting up a little fire in the fireplace to keep her warm, (Y/N) sat down on the couch. Letting out a sigh, (Y/N) leaned her guitar against the couch and opened the pack of strings as quietly as she could so she wouldn't wake up Ellie or Joel who were sleeping upstairs.

Reaching up to the neck of the guitar,
(Y/N) twisted the first tuning key, pulling at the string as the tension of the string loosened greatly. After loosening the string, (Y/N) grabbed the pair of pliers that came in the string pack, moving down to the bridge of the guitar before pulling the bridge pin out of the bridge, successfully taking the string off. That was easy, She thought with a small smile, nodding to herself before doing the same with the rest of the strings, putting the pins in a pile on the coffee table in front of her.

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