Chapter Nine

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Droplets of sweat, waiting to drop, assembled on Amos's forehead at the voice of Maggie. With his heart pounding, he was cooking up a story in his head as fast as he could to avert whatever Enoch was going to say to Maggie. The air grew heavy, making it hard for Amos to breathe. He gasps as he couldn't find an answer to Maggie's question. As he tries to talk, Enoch interrupted.

"Good evening ma'am." Enoch said, moving closer to Maggie.

Amos's heart sunk into his belly, knowing another word from Enoch may spell doom for him.

"I'm Enoch." He said.

"Good evening Enoch," Maggie said with her forehead wrinkling. "Who is he?" She asked Amos.


"I'm a messenger from the company he works for, ma'am." Enoch interrupted.

"Yes yes, he's a messenger," Amos chimes in, prickling his scalp.

"Oh. I see. But darling he's too young for that kind of job, don't you think?" She said, glancing at Amos for his opinion.

"You're correct. Well, fingers are not know, so...I'll say he's a brave guy, right, Enoch?" He smiled, covering up His uneasiness.

"Yes. I'm just trying to make an ends meet."

"Oh I'm so sorry. What about your parents?"

"It's a long story ma'am..."

"He would be on his way now." Amos interrupted. "He was about leaving when you came." He said to stop them from furthering the conversation.

"I was about to invite him in for dinner. Are you in a rush?" Maggie asks.

"Yes ma'am. I still have some other places to get to. Thanks for your kindness ma'am."

"You're welcome Enoch. Feel free to come back anytime you're free."

"Sure ma'am. I'll always have a message to deliver to my boss right here and I'll be back, I promise." He concluded feigning a smile at Amos.

"Dear, let me walk him a little. I'll be back in five minutes, you go back inside." Said Amos.

"No, I insist sir, please stay with your wife. I will find my way. Good bye for now." Enoch said and walks away.

"Heard you talking about getting someone arrested." Maggie surmised.

"Oh, about that, you need not to worry. It's work issues." Amos said, wrapped his left arm around Maggie's shoulders and they walked in.

Eunice woke, squinting at the bright light over head. Someone was rubbing something cool on the back of her hand, but the slickness quickly turned to a jab of pain. She flinched and turns her head. Her muscles aches, restricting her body movement.

"Stay still, stay still." Maggie whispers as she was securing an IV into her hand with tape.
"Done." She said, smiling at her.

"Thank you nurse, for taking special care of me." Eunice said feebly.

"Don't mention please, I'm just doing my job." Maggie replied, sorting the used syringes into a plastic bag for disposal.

"God bless you for me."

Amen, it's ok. But, why did it take you this long to come for your check up? If you had come earlier, you wouldn't have been admitted."

"Hmm." Eunice sighed and started sobbing.

"Mrs Eunice, what is it? Did I ask the wrong question? What is the matter?" Maggie moves close to her and sat on her bedside.

"Nurse Maggie," Eunice said with tears rolling out of her eyes sinking into the pillow she laid on.
"You know I told you my husband was away?."

Maggie nodded.

"I lied about that. He left us actually. He left with everything my dad left for me, the properties, the money and all. I was faithful to him, I included his name in the share, but he betrayed me." Eunice cried.

"Please Mrs Eunice, calm down. Do not work out yourself, please talk to me gently and try not to cry ok?" Maggie said, patting her shoulder.

"Ok," she sobs and continues. "We now live at his mercy. We take whatever he gives us, and that's what we live on. I couldn't raise the money to come for my check up early, that's why I came late this time. I'm sorry nurse, please let me live. I can't afford to die now."

"You're not going to die, don't say that. I'm so sorry. I never knew you're in such situation." Maggie said in a gentle tone.
"Why did he leave, if I may ask?"

"He was ashamed of me, when diabetes decided to take a part of me, he couldn't be associated with a paralysed woman, so he left. He left me with two kids."

"That's inhuman! You should sue him."

"With what money? He took everything! I mean everything. I just wish I could see him now and tear him up! He has caused me so much pain." She hits her fisted hand against the wall, causing the blood to flow from the injected part.

"Easy, please take it easy." Maggie controls her.

"Please pass me my phone." She asks Maggie.
"This is the animal!" Eunice said, showing Maggie a picture from her phone.
"Wherever you see this criminal, please arrest him for my sake. Can you do that for me?"

Goosebumps grew all over Maggie as she set her eyes on the picture displayed on Eunice's phone screen. A sudden coldness filled the atmosphere, she became breathless, her muscles tightens, her skin tingles as she recognised the man in the picture to be her fiancé, Amos.

"Nurse Maggie? Do you know him?" Eunice asked.

"Me? No I don't know him."

"So can you do me that favour?"

"Sure. What's his name?" Maggie asked with her eyes narrowed to clear her doubts.

"Amos. Amos Mako."

Maggie gasped quietly and said, "Sure, I'll let you know whatever I find about him." She said and stood up.

"Thank you nurse Maggie." Eunice said as she kept her phone under her pillow.

"Don't mention. I have to go now, let me leave you to rest. See you later." Maggie said and walked out quickly without waiting for Eunice's reply. Tears drops down her cheeks as she left the ward.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you're enjoying the story. If not please, leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️
Happy new year😍

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