Chapter One

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Maggie had just received the most shocking news of her life, when the doctor told her on the hospital bed, that she had lost her husband and two of her three children.

On their way back from Dubai, the Adams family, consisting of Maggie and Caleb, the parents to Kate, Maria and Moses, got involved in a plane crash, which claimed the lives of three members of the family. Maggie and Maria were the lucky souls left alive, they however sustained serious injuries.

"Madam please calm down," the doctor consoled, holding Maggie back to the bed with the help of two nurses, as she struggled to stand up.

"Nooooooooooo!" Maggie screamed.

"Mum! Mum!" Maria called, tapping her shoulder to wake her. "Are you dreaming again?"

Maggie, after loosing her husband and two children had not been the same, clearly she hadn't gotten over the incident; she has been into alcohol and had always been by herself. She had also kept everyone away from herself except her mom.

"I guess so." Maggie replied panting, as she woke up from sleep.

"Mummy! You drank again?" Maria retorted when she noticed an empty bottle of alcoholic wine lying on the floor.
"I remember you promised me you were taking the last cup before I went to bed last night, but you finished another bottle before day break, mummy why?" Maria said with worry in her voice as she sat on the couch, while Maggie sat up from the floor she laid on.
"You didn't even go to your room to sleep."

"I can't sleep there. It's scary in there, everywhere is scary. I see them everywhere I go. I hear their cries in my ears. I..." Maggie sobbed.

"Mummy please." Maria chimed in. "We are all in this together. Mummy, have you thought about allowing daddy's family come stay a while with us? You've shut everyone out since the accident as if they were responsible for the predicament that befell our family. Tell me why you won't be scared when you're always by yourself. When you've made strong wine your best friend. Grandma just left yesterday and see where we are again. Mum?"

"Maria, it's not easy. I lost the valuables of my life, tell me how I'm supposed to live on." She teared.
"We used to be a very happy family. This house used to be a noisy one, now it's as silent as a cemetery. Was I wrong to have suggested going to Dubai for our leaves, your summer and to celebrate Kate's admission? I wished someone had advised us not to embark on the journey. Now my daughter's dream to become a doctor has been cut short just because we wanted to have fun as a family. Tell me, where did I go wrong?"

"Mum, you don't have to blame yourself. It's not your fault and no one is blaming you for it. I know it's not easy, but you have to try mum, loosen up a bit at least. It's been a year plus already. Please make it easy, if not for anyone, but for me mum." Maria said with a watery eye.

"Alright my love, I'll try my best". She replied feigning a smile as she wiped her tears.

"I heard grandma talking to you about getting married again, if that's going to make you happy, please do not hesitate mummy. I can't bear to see you always like this."

"Maria, I understand your concern about me. Please do not worry hun, I will be fine. I just need a little more time. You have to go now, you are running late."

"Oh yea." Maria stood up and took her school bag from the floor. "Promise me you'll be fine mum."

"I will be fine my love." She assured as she stood up to hug her.

"Alright mum, I'll see you later." She turned back as it seems she remembered something.
"Wish me luck mum, my presentation is today."

"You're going to do great my baby."

"Thank you mummy. I love you, bye." She said as she stormed out of the house leaving the door opened.

"Come back and close this door!" Maggie called Maria who had ran as far as reaching the gate. "Naughty girl." She said smiling, as she closed the door.
At least, there's a source of happiness left for her and she's going to protect it with all she has. She was not ready to loose her too, but little does she know that, something is soon coming to steal her precious daughter from her.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you like the story. If not please leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️

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