Chapter Seven

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The smell of Amos's cologne which used to turn her on has became offensive. Maria could perceive the strong smell in her room and on every  cloth she found on her bed to wipe her tears.

Seated on her bed, with her back resting against the wall, her arms wrapped round her legs, right angled to her body,  Maria still couldn't wrap her mind around what just happened. She hope the nightmare would come to an end, but the pains she feels tells her it's reality. The most frightening moment she has ever had in her life played back in her head. How wicked Amos looked after brutally raping her left her more heartbroken. He laughed and asked her if she enjoyed it. It seemed like he had been awaiting the opportunity. The answer to the question, why would Amos do that to her refused to come. She feels ashamed of herself for ever crushing on Amos. "I thought he liked me." She mutters.

Maria wishes she could go back to the first day she saw Amos and change her view about him. She wishes she had a super power to have detected his evil before he struck. She can't  wait for her mom to be back so they can thrust the devil out of their house. She cried until her eyelids finally surrendered to sleep.

"Maria!" Maggie yelled as she climbed up the stairs.
The banging sound coming from her door woke  Maria from the deep sleep. She stood up quickly, eye opened wide, wonders who's at the door again. The door is locked. She's never going to make that costly mistake again.

"Who is that?" She said in a frightened tone.

"Would you come and open this door?" Maggie growled as she bangs the door again.

The last emotion she expected from Maggie that morning was anger. What could have gotten her angry? She thought, as she changes into a more appropriate clothing. The dishes were done and the house is in order. As far as she's concerned, she has more gist to get Maggie angrier, as has decided to fess up to her mom what Amos did to her.

She opened the door to Maggie, and before she could say a word, she had a slap on her right cheek.

"Mom!" She whimpers, her lips parted and her right hand over her cheek.

"What were you thinking? Tell me!" Maggie yelled.

With a shaky voice she replied, "Mom, what's going on? I don't know what you're talking about..." she bursts into tears.

"You don't talk while I'm talking." Maggie interrupted. "Maria, who taught you all those nonsense? When I burnt those novels, I thought that was all. I had no idea you've digested them well enough to be able to put them to practice. Amos called  yesterday night to explain the situation of things to me. How you seduced him into your room, how he turned you off and how you kept persisting. How can you be so ridiculous Maria. Weren't you afraid? What if he was a bad guys and took your advantage? You even threatened to tell me he forced himself on you? I see you're all dressed up and ready to act. I'm disappointed in you Maria."

"Mom! That's not true." Maria lamented, eye widened.

"So what's the truth? He raped you right?" She said and moved to her bed side. "Show me, where's the blood? You're a virgin Maria, show me the god damn blood!" Maggie snarled, scattering her bedspread.

"Mom, try to calm down and understand. I'm being manipulated here." She cried on her knees.

"This is not the Maria I gave birth to. I didn't give birth to a dog that throws herself at any man. Those evil novels has changed you." Maggie said, giving Maria a disgusting look.

"You have to believe me..."

"Shut up!" Maggie bursts into tears. "This is not the first time Amos would report you to me. He reports every of your moves to me, but I never believed him. Now tell me, did you ever tried to kiss him?" Maggie asked.

Maria remained silent.

"There, I got my answer." Maggie sobs. "Is this how you intend to live your life? You're the only one I've got left're doing this to me?

"Mom, I'm sorry. Please listen to me."

"I don't have time to listen to a flirt like you. I need to clear this shit off my head. Shame on you Maria." She  said and walks out of her room.

Maria's knees became too weak to stand up. She cries and let out uncontrollable moans, wondering if she had just lost to Amos.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you're enjoying the story. If not please, leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️
Merry Christmas and Happy new year in advance 🤩🤩

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