Chapter Five

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Maria strode out of her classroom into the hallway, inhaling the marker smell from the newly hung poster of the forth coming quiz and debate competition. Noises from the neighbouring classroom echoes in the hallway. She wished Alice was there to keep her company too. She sighed. Soon, the day will be over. Alice would be in school tomorrow.

"Maria," she heard a voice called from a distance behind her.

It's Enoch. He seem to have been calling, but the noisy atmosphere wouldn't have her hear him. She turned back and stood still to wait for him to catch up with her.

"Hi." Enoch said, panting slightly resulting from the fast walk.

"Hello Enoch." She said and continued walking.

"What's up? Where are you heading?" He said, walking by Maria's side.

"I'm just taking a stroll. Alice isn't in school, I'm bored...I just need to take some fresh air before the break is over."

"Oh. That's good." He said.

After walking a while, they sat on a nearby walkway bench. Enoch had been quiet all along which made Maria wonder why he followed him. Alice has always served as the mediator between the both parties. They had never met without Alice's presence or consent.

Maria could deduce from Enoch's frequently blinking eye that something was wrong.

"Are you ok?" Said Maria.

"Yes." He said, concealing his worry.

"I'm not sure you are...oh Alice is the one you talk to. Sorry." She said.

Enoch smiled and let out a loud breath.
"Actually, I want to talk. I really need to talk to someone."

"It's ok. You can talk to me if you want." Said Maria, staring blankly at him.

Enoch narrated the story about his broken family. How Amos left his wife, Tiana, when he could no longer cope with her health situation.

It started as a mere body weakness, that later escalated into stroke and has left her half paralysed. Several medications has been administered on her but none had positive effect.
Amos got frustrated and saw his wife as bad luck; when he had almost spent all his fortune on her unyielding condition. He the moved far away from her, but still caters for his two children, Enoch and Eunice.

"Waw. What kind of father is he? I'm sorry to say." Maria said with her eye brow furrowed. "Worst of all, he moved out of the house? That's wicked."

Enoch feigned a smile and said, "Yes. And that's because he doesn't care about us."

"I have no idea you're in this kind of situation." She said with her hand cupping her jaw. "I'm so sorry, Enoch."

"No. You need not to be sorry. I just felt like talking, and I'm happy I did...for the first time." He said with a weak tone and his eyes appearing red.

"So, you mean you've never told anyone about this?"

"But you. Not even Alice."

"Oh, I see," she said nodding slowly. "So what's your plan now?"

While they spoke, the bell rang to end the the break period.

"Oh. That was fast." Said Maria.

"Alright then," Enoch said as he stood up. "We'll continue later. Thanks for giving me a listening ear." He said with a soft smile on his face.

"You're welcome, Enoch." Maria replied and they both left the spot in opposite directions.

Maria closed her laptop and snuggle deeper under her pink hello kitty cover. The room was still and black, with only the tick of her wall clock breaking the quiet. As her eye dims for sleep, she noticed her secret companion lying on her study table, right beside the bed. She never wanted to be caught again reading a romantic novel, after her mum burnt the three she discovered she had. She can't afford to loose the rest, which she had been keeping as far as possible from her mum's sight. Maria threw off the cover and stood up quickly to hide it underneath her mattress.

It's still evening and it wasn't time to sleep yet. The boring lecture she just watched on YouTube must have made her dozy.

As she walked down the stairs into the living room, she heard unfamiliar voices coming from the Tv. Who watches football matches in this house? She thought. Her mum's favourite Tv show is "Dr P and emergencies" and hers is "Keeping up with the Kardashians."

She spotted Amos engrossed in the match, sitting on a couch backing the stairs. There came the fluttery feeling in her belly again and her armpits and palms grew sweaty.

"Good evening sir..." Maria said, walking slowing to him.

"Oh Maria, You're awake. How are you?" Said Amos.

"I'm fine." She said, her heart beating rapidly.

"Your mum went to get somethings from the grocery shop. She should be back soon." He said.

"Oh, ok." Maria said, focusing on the match as well.

"Do you like football too?" Amos asked.

"Oh, me?" She said with her brows raised turning her face to Amos. "Na, I'm indifferent about it."

"Let's change the channel then." Amos said, bringing the remote to Maria and joining her on the couch she sat.

Maria gasped as Amos's body contacted hers. She couldn't stop scrolling the remote control, she had quickly forgotten the channel number of her favourite channel. She developed a racing pulse and breaths indistinctly.

Amos's touch on her shoulder brought chills down her spine. Her heart sunk into her belly waiting for Amos to speak. Could it be that he likes her too? She thought.

"Are you ok?" Amos said softly, noticing her unsettledness.

"Yes." She replied without turning her gaze on Amos.

"Waw. I'm just noticing your dimple. It's so beautiful on you. That makes you a perfect beauty." Amos said.

Maria almost had an heart attack at Amos's compliments. Her heart leaps. She turned her face to Amos and said, "Thank you..."

With his left hand, Amos stopped Maria's face from shifting back to the Tv, to facing him. He maintained an intense flirty stare into Maria's eyes. He moved his head close to hers, reaching her lips. As their lips touches, Maria closes her eyes to experience her first kiss, as she has read from the romantic novels, then the door bell rang announcing the Maggie's arrival.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you're enjoying the story. If not please, leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️

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