Chapter Two

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Getting to school, Maria looked around for her friend, Alice, amidst the rowdy classroom; girls formed different cliques of discussions, boys talking about the previous day's football match, noises from every corner of the classroom. On sighting Alice, she walked quickly to her.

"What's going on here?" Asked Maria speaking at Alice while she offloads her bag pack and placed it on her desk.

"What do you mean?" Alice replied barely hearing her due to the noise.

"I mean why aren't we having our presentation? Isn't today sixteenth?" Maria said moving closer to be heard of Alice.

"Oh, it was postponed."

"When was that? How did I not know?"

"That's my bad, I forgot to tell you. Mr Ben announced on Friday on the assembly ground."

"So you couldn't tell me over the phone? Maria said, raising her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry. It skipped my mind."
"How was your weekend?"

"I wasted it all preparing for the presentation."

"Ops sorry." Alice mocked.

"Wicked witch." Maria hissed.
"I had rushed to get to school. So I was rushing for nothing?"

"I see. Have you taken a look at your wrist watch? Bloody late comer!" Alice laughed loud.

"Don't talk to me for the rest of today!" Maria warned.

"I know you've not gotten another bestie to keep your company, come to mama." She gave Maria a side hug.

"You're fond of bribery." Maria replied.

"Girl, I've got a gist for you."Alice grinned releasing her grip off Maria's waist.

"What gist?"

"Why on earth did you miss school on Friday!"

"What else happened on Friday again?" Maria shrugged.

"A lot my dear. There's this new guy in school, he just got transferred to St Luke." Alice said, expecting Maria to show interest in the conversation, but she was rather busy bringing out notes from her bag.
"You don't seem to be interested in this conversation. You're just killing my vibes."

"For God's sake, I don't even know what you're talking about. Why should I be excited?"

"Such a boring soul!" Alice said rolling her eyes.
"Well this guy is the hottest guy in school now. God! You need to see how cute he is! He's more handsome than the senior prefect, August." Alice gushed.

"Really" Maria smirked.

"And he's got a cute name too."

"What's his name?"

"Enoch." Alice grinned.

"That's a normal name any boy can bare."

"You're such a kill joy! Anyways, he's in arts and I plan to go see my friends during break period so I can get him notice me. I think I'm crushing on him." Alice whispered.

"Alice! You and boys ehn. What about Tim?"

"Tim?" Alice hissed.
"Do you know my dad is superior to his dad at work?"

"So what?"

"Have you imagined how ridiculous our wedding would look. My mom would think I also got married to a looser like her husband. That's if she shows up."

"Someone is preparing for marriage already." Maria laughed out loud.
"You're just sixteenth for God's sake."

"The earlier the better my dear."

"So you're going to marry Enoch?"

"If he proposes." Alice replied while they both laughed.

"Alice you'll never cease to amaze me." Maria said with a bit of laughter remaining in her voice. "Let me check your notes from Friday please."

"So, are you following me to arts for break?"

Maria said nothing in return as she continued with writing her note.

"Ok, ok, I know the answer already. I'll go alone."

"Whatever." Maria said.

"Hmm...hmm." Maria cleared her throat to announce her presence to her mum, who was busy cooking in the kitchen.
"Mummy has decided to resume the kitchen duty again after a long time. What's up mummy?" She asked teasingly, stretching forth her neck into what's in the pot.

"Just get your head into the pot so I can cook you together." Maggie replied laughing.

"Hmm mum, what's the occasion? Because this is quite a special delicacy." Maria said rubbing her palms together.

"Actually," Maggie replied, leaning against the kitchen's countertop, wiping her wet hands with a towel. "I'm expecting a visitor, an old school mate."

"At last! My mum is going to have a visitor!" Maria grinned.
"That fellow must be a very good friend of yours to get you into the kitchen again."

"Yes he is."

"Waw! He's an he? I can't wait to meet my mum's fiancé." Maria teased.

"Come on, he's just a friend." Maggie replied laughing at Maria. Go get my phone upstairs so I can ask him where he is."

"Ok mummy. I can't still wait to get the full gist." Maria replied chortling, as she walked out of the kitchen.

As she walked through the sitting room, she heard the door bell rang. She moved towards the entrance door to check who it is. Maria opened the door to a handsome looking man, with well defined sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. The complexion of his skin going well with his expressive and luminous eyes. The smell of his cologne lost her in the world of imaginations.
Who is this man? Maria thought.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you're enjoying the story. If not please, leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️

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