Chapter Eight

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Repudiation feels bad when it's about the truth holding to ones integrity, but feels worse when it is prompted by a loved one.

Maria, with a long face, staring blankly at the white board, couldn't stop wondering why her mother chose to believe a stranger's lie over her truth. Why she wouldn't  listen to her to state her part of the story. She has realised her wrong for ever crushing on Amos and showing him a glimpse of  green light, but how could Amos shift the blame on her, when he was the one who made the first move to kiss her? Her heart engrosses with bitterness towards Amos and the same yearns for her mother to know the truth.

Alice, sitting right in front of her kept looking back at Maria who seem uninterested in the class and wasn't changing her gaze from the direction of its focus for quite some minutes. She wishes the class ends in time to ask her dear friend what's wrong.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Alice turns back her chair to face Maria's immediately the teacher stepped out of the classroom.

Alice's cold palm gliding on her arm, brought Maria back to consciousness. "Huh?" she replied, looking sharply at Alice.

"Welcome back." Alice said sarcastically. "So, how was the journey? It's obvious you're lost." She teased.

"Alice, I am fine." Maria voiced, after taking a sigh, forcing a smile.

"No you're not." Alice said now with a bit of seriousness in her voice. "See, I saw the English script you kept me from seeing. I'm sorry...I had to check your bag...I was just curious." Alice surmised, while Maria stares emotionlessly at her.
"I still can't  believe you failed English test for crying out loud! You're the best English student this school has, yet you failed a test passed by the dumbest person I know? Also you've  been quiet and withdrawing. You better start talking now."

"I'm just a bit indisposed, that's all." She said in  a teary voice. Maria needs to talk someone who would believe her story, but she wasn't sure Alice is the right person. She's afraid she'd be stigmatised or become the next topic of the student's chit chat.

"I'm your friend you know," she held her to hands over her desk. "And you are the best friend I have. If you wouldn't talk to me, who would you talk to then?"

With a drop tear  from her eyes, Maria said, "Alice, I'm...I..." With her voice shaking, the words almost forced themselves out, but Maria's doubt wouldn't allow her fess up to Alice. " I'm ashamed I failed my test." She lied.

"That's what's wrong with you? For real? She asked with her eyes narrowed.

"Of course. I'm just afraid it would affect my overall performance."

"It shouldn't. You've had a clean record since. Maria," she paused and continued. "Is that all that's bordering you?"

"That's all. You need not to worry about me, I will be fine." Maria replied, nodding with her lips firmly folding into her mouth. "Thank you Alice. You're the best friend I've ever had." She said, rubbing Alice's fisted palms over the desk.

"What are friends for?" Alice said, posing a smile, feeling fulfilled she's lighten up Maria's mood. "Well, you'll be welcome only when you get me a can of juice at lunch." Alice teased, while they both laughed. Maria, till the end of the day, was able to conceal her feelings from Alice.

The noise coming from the video game wouldn't allow him hear the knock at the door. Just as he paused the game to get his glass of juice from the table in front of him, he heard the knock. Amos stood up, walked to the door to check who it is. As he opened the door, the bunch of keys drop from his hand. He bent to pick it up, then noticed the visitor's shoes looks familiar. He turned up his face and beheld his son, staring at him with his arms folded. Quickly, step out of the house and shut the door.

"What are you doing here?" Amos whispered.

"Dad, so this is your hideout right?" Said Enoch, moving to a shaded part to avoid the sun.

"Shut up. Don't call me that. I said what are you doing here?" He said with his head protruded, looking out  to avoid Maggie or Maria seeing him with Enoch.

"I know you're surprised I got to know this place. I just came for confirmation, just in case I want to see you, I can freely come to my father's house."

"Are you out of your mind?" Amos glared, paused and controlled the volume of his voice. "What happened to me house? Why should you ever come here? What if I wasn't the one who opened the door to you? Who would you say you want to see? And haven't I told you not to look for me? If you need anything, I told you to call."


"Don't call me that!" he interrupted. "Now, get out of here. And let me give you this note of warning, If I ever see you around this vicinity again, I'll get you arrested and...."

"Who is getting arrested? What's going on here? Maggie interrupted , as she walked through the backyard to the frontage of the house.

Thank you so much for your time. I hope you're enjoying the story. If not please, leave your comments. Watch out for next episode. Do not forget to vote, comment and share. I love you❤️
Happy new year in advance.

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