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I woke up peacefully today, I opened my eyes to see Tommy was back in his bed snoring away. I giggled. I looked up to see George standing in the doorway. "Morninggg" he smiled. "Do you only have one ear?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Yeah lost it in the war, still reckon I'm good looking though" he posed before heading through to the kitchen. I laughed getting up and following him through. "Pancakes?" I asked as he sat the plate in front of me. "Of course" he smiled pulling out a mini plate of pancakes. "Tommy!" He shouted, Tommy came running to through, standing up to take a nibble into them. "There's insects inside them" George told me. I smiled. That was really cute. It had been a couple of months of me and George staying together and it was going great, it was December now and the shop was getting really busy with people coming in for Christmas presents, I didn't really mind, it meant George was on the shop floor helping out, so I had someone to talk too when it got quiet again. Today I was getting an early lunch so I could meet up with Ginny and Hermione for that lunch date we had been planning 'after the little drama was over' after the whole Love Potion situation it was the least I deserved.

"Hermione and Ginny are here" George shouted from the bottom of the stairs, I grabbed my bag and locked my case away before running down the stairs to meet them. "Hey guys" I smiled. "Right let's go" Ginny said liking her arm in mine, I waved to George before we left and headed to the cafe.

We had been laughing about the stories Ginny told us about Harry whilst drinking tea. "So you're spending Christmas with us this year?" Ginny asked. "Uh yeah I don't usually do Christmas but George insisted I did" I mocked his voice at the end. Ginny and Hermione looked at each other and giggled. "What?" I asked in confusion. "He likes you" Hermione sang in duh as if I should think that. "No he doesn't, we're just really good friends" I laughed with my face going a slight pink. "He got a hair cut with you though, do you know how many people that have asked him to do that!" She whispered shouted incase anyone heard. "Maybe they had to be more stern, I just told him he looked awful, maybe he realized he did look awful" I told her. "No. No. No. I told George he was the ugliest looking in the family looking like that, we were stern, he just fancied you too much for you to think he actually looked that bad" Ginny said again, Hermione was in tears of laughter hearing us bicker over if George liked me or not. "Let's just drop it we're just friends" I blushed taking another sip of my tea.

Once I got back to the flat, the shop was just closing. "You took you're time" George joked closing the shop. "Just talking about you" I sighed "wait what why?" He asked panicking. "I was only kidding George" I laughed locking the doors. "Come on I need a drink after that shift" he grabbed his wallet and we apperated to The 3 Broomsticks for a butter beer. "So what were youse talking about?" He asked bringing the beers over to the table. "Just funny stories about Harry, Christmas and stuff" I smiled looking down at my drink.

'Why does she do that, it's killing me' George thought

"How was the shop when I left?" I asked him.
"Quiet, I let Ron go early" he told me taking a sip off his butter beer. I burst out laughing. "What?" He asked. I kept laughing "mustache" I stuttered out in between laughing he wiped his mouth before dipping his hand into the foam of the beer and wiping it all over my face. I gasped. "No you didn't just do that!" I laughed grabbing mine and doing it back. After a couple of minutes we were covered in beer.
"I think more is on my face that it is in my glass" I giggled wiping my face with a cloth. "I think that's the longest I've went laughing without thinking of Fred" he admitted taking the cloth away from his face. I sighed grabbing his hand and giving him a smile. "It's okay to laugh, it's okay to cry. But from what you told me about Fred, I could imagine he was making fun of you every time you cried" I told him, he smiled up at me. "It's almost as if you know Fred better than I do" he said. I smiled looking down. "You have no idea" I whispered sighing.

We walked home together and were speaking about Christmas. "It's Christmas Eve soon" he told me "thanks I had no idea" I sarcastically said hitting his shoulder. "Well it's actually a tradition in my family that we stay the night before" he said opening the shop door for me. "That's sweet." I smiled. Please don't invite me. Please don't invite me. "Well I don't want you staying here yourself so why don't you come?" He asked. Why did he invite me?
"Oh George I would much rather stay here" I smiled apologetically he just nodded and we went up to the flat. "Well I'm going to go to bed" I smiled heading to the room. But when I opened the door popping sounds started and fireworks came bursting out of my room. I screamed. "That idiot!" I shouted walking towards George's room. I banged on the door walking in. "You ignorant little-"
I stopped talking when I noticed he was only in a towel. "I'm so sorry" I said quickly getting out the room. I sighed closing the door behind me. I looked down at Tommy to see him making kissing faces at me. "Shut up Tommy" I whispered at him. He just laughed jumping out my picked and running through to the room.

I walked through to my room which was now just a pile of smoke. "What did you do ?" George asked. Seeing him now dressed was almost disappointing. "What did I do? What did you do? Fireworks came flying out of here!" I shouted at him. He started laughing "I swear it wasn't me" he told me. I growled at him going into the bedroom. "Then who did it?" I asked myself as George went to get stuff to clean it up.

'Gotcha' Fred thought

"How did you do this?" I asked him.

'I honestly don't know. I can't touch anything except stuff in you're bedroom' he thought back.

"How strange" I said walking around trying to find something to tell me what was happening. But there was nothing.

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