Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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After dinner Charlie led me out into the back garden so I could show him the eggs. I pulled them out my pocket and placed them in the grass. "Wow, it's close to hatching" Charlie said picking it up to inspect it. "He's from Egypt" I smiled knowing how beautiful he was going to be. "I'll take him to Romania with me, and train him" he said placing the egg into a glass case to keep it protected. "Thanks for this Charlie" I smiled "you know I really wish you took my offer on coming to work with me" I laughed awkwardly. "Thanks Charlie, but I'd like to stay here, this is my home" He smiled back. "Well I should be heading" I got up and he led me towards the door. "So I'll see you tomorrow at 9am?" Ron asked me before I left. "Of course" I smiled before aperating back into my my small flat. "Home sweet home" I sighed. I got Ready for bed, and placed my case into a cupboard, locking it with a spell. I placed Tommy into a little muggle doll bed, placing covers over him. Before getting into my own bed, and drifting of to sleep.

I looked at my watch. 9am came around and I was standing outside the store. It was still locked so I sat on the steps waiting for it to be open. Ron came up to the door with the keys "goodmorning" he smiled. "Hello" I got up and followed him into the store. He was making small talk as he showed me how to set up. "So what is it you do beside this job?" I asked placing stock out as he set up the till. "Oh I'm an auror" he smiled proudly. "That's pretty cool" I replied back. "My grandmother was an auror" I added.
"Wicked she must have been involved with catching Gellert Grindelwald" Ron spoke. I smiled knowing the story.
"Yeah actually my grandfather, Newt, was the first person to catch him back in 1926" I told him, he looked in awe. "Who said we couldn't have famous Hufflepuffs" he smiled I I returned it. "Here you'll have to shove these on" he passed me a uniform, and I went around the back to change into it. It was a purple shirt with the name and staff on it, with a waistcoat on top. I smiled as Tommy jumped from my pocket into my waistcoat pocket. "Please be good today" I whispered to him as he sunk into my pocket. "Who's to be good?' I turned around to see George standing behind the stock door. "Oh nobody" I smiled walking past him.

They day actually wasn't the worse, it was busy and definitely taking me out of my comfort zone. But Ron asked me to come back tomorrow so that had to be a good sign. I packed my stuff up and grabbed my case before I was stopped by George. "What's in the case?" He asked trying to take I look, I swatted his hand away before placing it behind my back. "Nothing" and left the shop as quick as I could. I went into an alley way, and opened the case before climbing in, and heading down the stairs.

I walked out into the habitats, and headed towards Lilly, my Niffler, to see if there was any luck towards being pregnant. "Hey Lilly" I smiled, I picked her up to tickle her and noticed eggs sitting under her. I smiled widely before placing her back down. "Well done Lilly!" I whispered petting her. I felt a presence. I wasn't alone. "Tina?" I turned around quickly. "Harry? What are you doing here?" I asked slightly panicked. "I saw a case opened in the alley with stairs, and thought it would be weird not to go down them" he joked. I laughed "well you caught me" I smiled walking over. "Here you can help" I gave him a bucket and chucked meat into it. "Come on"

We went around and I introduced him to all my creatures, as we fed them. He was in awe. "So Harry are you going to tell everyone?" I asked he shook his head. "Of course not, but why don't you want anyone to know?" He asked. "Harry humans are more dangerous towards these creatures than they are to humans" I sighed sitting down with Lilly climbing onto my lap. "I suppose that's true" he sat down next to me. "Why doesn't anyone know you from school?" He asked
"I was an outcast, I spent all my time with these creatures, my mother gave me the case. It was my grandfathers" I told him. "Well you should know, I considered you a friend" I smiled at him. "Thanks Harry"
"We should get back" I told Him. I gave Lilly one final cuddle before placing her back with her eggs.

We got out the case and I locked it placing the rope over the case. "Well I guess I'll be seeing you later" I smiled at Harry and he pulled me into a hug. "You're secrets safe with me Scamander" he whispered and walked away.

Miss Scamander (George Weasley) Where stories live. Discover now