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"Hey I'm sorry about you're uh" Angelina pointed to my face. "It's okay" I smiled. "And also Draco was a low blow" she sighed. I laughed slightly. "Draco used me to get what he wanted" I told her. It wasn't the complete truth and I knew she would sexualize it, but she didn't need to know the whole truth yet. "Oh god Tina I'm so sorry-"
I cut her off. "Angelina this is all in the past. Please, let's start fresh" I begged here. She gave me a hug. "Thankyou" she whispered.
"Hey Ang- Tina?" George walked up and looked like he had saw a ghost.
I mean me and Angelina hugging, that had to be a sight to see. "Oh hey George, I have to go, but I'll see you for lunch next week?" Angela asked me. I smiled. "Of course Angelina!"
"Call me Ang" she shouted walking away. I looked up to George. "Um what?" He asked waiting for an explanation. "I'm sorry I left" I smiled looking down. "Stop doing that!" He demanded. "Doing what?" I asked "that smile" he sighed.

'God I could see that smile all day' George thought

"I'm sorry" I whispered. He pulled me into a hug. "Do you want you're job back?" He asked. "Yes please" I whispered and we both laughed. "Come on" he put his hand over my shoulder and we walked inside the store together. "So you and Ang?" He asked mocking how Angelina asked me to use her nickname. I laughed. "I bumped into her at Fred's grave" I lied, a white lie. He's not ready for my past yet. "Oh" he sighed. "Ginny told me" he said. I looked at him confused. "You put a flower down for him? Why?" He asked. "I dunno, I just saw the grave, I felt the need to talk" I sat on the couch next to him. "I've not been to the grave since he died." He admitted. "Do you want to go?" I asked him. He smiled sadly. "I'm not ready yet" he admitted. I put my hand on his knee. "Well when you are I'll be with you" I smiled

'Love is in the air'

'Fred get your ghost ass out of here'

I know Fred more than George thinks. I laughed to myself thinking of how he was in this room right now. "Should we move you're stuff in" George suggested. "I guess" I smiled. "Hey how would you like a roomie?" He asked. "Is there someone else moving in?" I asked. "Me" he said I smiled. "Why?" I asked. "To take rent down, and also the burrow can be a bit much, it might make it easier if you were here too, you'd have the room next to Fred's room if that's okay though"
"Of course it is" I smiled.

We moved my stuff into my new room in the next 3 hours. "Do you want to come to the burrow with me to collect my things?" He asked. "I'd rather not" I admitted to him. "George you're mothers going to think we're dating"
"Right shit yeah right" he started to panic, I grabbed his arm. "Just tell her we're not" I told him he nodded. "Okay" he smiled at me before Apperating.

I packed my stuff away, before bringing Tommy out. "Go look at you're new home" I smiled. He bounced down and started to run about. I smiled at him. He was honestly like having a child at times. I looked at the door that had "Fred" wrote on it. Would it be rude if I went in. I feel like I know him. I opened the door slightly. The room hadn't been touched. There were still clothes lying about the floor, Quiditch posters hanging from the walls, different potions, I assume to make their creations with. "Fred you're room is a tip" I told him. I wasn't sure if he was there or not but he had to know.

'I was too busy being hot to clean it up'

I laughed at him. "Where are you Fred?" I asked.

'Behind you'

I turned around and smiled at him.

'My brother got lucky, if I were alive, I would've snatched you up'

I laughed. "I think I would've went for you're brother. I like nerds" I smiled

'You like him'

"No I don't"

'Do so'

"Yeah right" I laughed again, I put my hand up into the air, and felt a slight touch on my hand. I quickly moved away.

'Did you feel that?'

"Yeah I did" I was shocked. Did I just touch a ghost. I looked up I couldn't see anything. I quickly closed Fred's room door and moved into the living room. I pulled out all the books I had on Legilimency.

I read and read but couldn't see any explanation to why I could feel Fred's hand. Something touched my knee and I screamed. "It's just me" George said in panic. "Sorry oh god" I held my hand to my chest. "Legilimency?" He asked I sighed. "Yeah" I breathed out.

'Don't tell him, not yet'

"Why are you reading that?" George asked leaning over. I shut the book. "My grandmothers sister had the ability, I was just researching" I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Well I'm off to bed" I yawned getting
Up. "I'll see you in the morning?" I asked him "defo will roomie" he smiled and I giggled.

'Was that a giggle?'

"Get out" I said out loud. George looked at me confused. I flashed him a smile before leaving and going into my room.

"Don't you dare watch me get dressed" I whispered. There was no reply. He was gone. I sighed getting ready for bed and seeing Tommy was already passed out in his little bed. I smiled falling into a nice deep sleep in my new flat.

Miss Scamander (George Weasley) Where stories live. Discover now