Fred Weasley

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As I was walking home, I started to walk through an alley when I saw two girls standing. "Scamander!" One shouted. Angelina. I tried to back away but she caught up with me. "You really think you can take George away from me" she spoke getting closer.
"I wasn't trying to I-"
"No you stay away from him. Or I'll tell everyone you're little secret" She smirked.
"My secret?" I asked nervously
"What you think nobody remembers you, the little girl who used to have lunch with Draco Malfoy. Come on Mrs no friends. I saw you with him plenty of times, imagine people found out, what will they think then?" She laughed evilly.
"Angelina I'm really sorry but-"
"People will think you were a death eater, I'm surprised you aren't. Come on love you really think that a Hufflepuff and a Slytherin can just be friends" she hissed. I sighed. She was right. Everyone would find out how involved I was in the war. "I'll stay away from him" I whispered looking down. "Yeah you do that freak. And take you're little suitcase with you" her and Katie walked away, katie giving me a sympathetic look. Great. Just great, my life was finally going okay, and now I have to leave. Leave everything. A few tears came from my eyes before I headed home. I packed up all my things, and looked down at Tommy. He was crying. "Come on now kiddo, we have the world to see" he smiled up and I picked him up putting him in my pocket. I pulled out a quill and some paper, dipping my quill into inc.

To Mr George Weasly,

I give you my notice, and let you know I will not be coming back to 'Weasley's Wizard Wheezes' you gave me such a great opportunity and for that I thank you, however I don't think it is for me.

I wish you the very best, and hope one day I can come back and visit, but for now. That just won't do.


Tina Scamander

I hadn't even noticed I had been crying. I folded up the note and tied it around my owl, Oswalds leg. "Take this to George, in the burrow" I smiled as the owl took off. I picked up my things placing them into my case, and left. I wasn't sure where I was going but I do love an adventure.

I walked into the graveyard down the road. I was looking for Newts, when I passed one that I couldn't help stopping at. "Fred Weasley" I smiled. I sat down next to it, taking out my wand and creating a flower placing it next to his grave. "Hey Fred, you don't know me, I worked for you're brother for a whole week" I laughed at how pathetic I was being. Talking to my ex bosses dead brothers grave. "I bet you were the confident one, I tested out one of your products today, and wow, you were quite the creator. You had incredible skills" I smiled again thinking about how highly George spoke about Fred. "I look like a complete idiot it's not as if you're going to reply" I laughed at myself for being such an idiot. I stood up and took one more look. "Goodbye Fred. I hope I meet you soon" and I left to go find Newt's grave.

I found it and sighed sitting down next to it. "Why can't I be like you grandad" I sighed, Tommy jumped out my pocket sitting on the grave stone as I created another flower for his grave. "I bred some Nifflers today, we won't loose them anytime soon" I spoke to him with my head hanging low. "Why did you give me this case, I don't think I can do it, I'm not confident like you were, I'm a mess" I sighed thinking about how my grandad used to tell me the greatest stories, I could never live up to his expectations. "I love you grandad" Tommy jumped onto my shoulder giving me a hug and I smiled. "I love you too Tommy" I smiled as he tried to wipe away my tears. I looked up to see, wait Ginny Weasley. I quickly put away Tommy and wipes my eyes. "It's okay Harry told me" she smiled sitting next to me. "So he can't keep a secret" I laughed awkwardly. "No he can, I ripped it out of him when he came home with his clothes all ripped" we both laughed. "Sorry about that" I apologized. "What are you doing out here?" She touched my hand. "Oh god you're freezing come back to mine and get a heat" before I could protest she had already got me up and started pulling me to hers.

Once we got in Harry noticed me and stood up. "Merlin Tina are you alright?" He asked leading me to the couch. "I'm okay" I smiled. Ginny came through to make tea but came back with a letter. "You quit George's store?" She asked I quickly got up. "Please don't tell him where I am, this is a life threatening thing" I begged. She sighed. "Are those bruises from Angelina?" Harry asked I nodded. "Never liked her" Ginny said re reading the letter. "I can't lie to him Harry" she sighed. I got up. "It's okay don't, tell him I was hear and I left, I'll go now" I went to pick up my things but she stopped me. "No stay here tonight and I can just read the letter tomorrow" she smiled and I returned it. "Thankyou Ginny, this means a lot" she pulled me into a hug. "What are friends for" I smiled. Friends.

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