"I know baby and I'm sorry, it's just work stuff." I lie.

Buzz buzz, my phone vibrates against my leg. Katherine: One more day.

Signing I reply quickly. You said that a week ago Katherine. Fucking sort it, or I will.

Placing the phone down on the table next to me, I push my food around my plate, range now filling my body. How can she keep lying to her like this? And she's having me lie for her.

Buzz buzz. Katherine: I said one more day, let me do this my way Ace, this isn't your business.

I scoff at the message and reply. With all due respect Katherine, Ella is my business and so is her welfare, she's my girlfriend and I care about her and I don't want her hurting unnecessarily. Send.

Placing the phone down once more. I look over at Ella who is eating her dinner is silence, and I can't help but notice the sad look in her eyes.

"Sorry, work stuff." I lie once more.

"It's fine." She smiles softly.

Buzz buzz my phone vibrates once more. Katherine: The last thing I want is for her to be hurt, why do you think I haven't told her yet? Just leave it to me Ace.

With a huff I stuff my phone back into my pocket and look down at my food once more, pushing it around the plate.

"Is something wrong with dinner? You haven't eaten anything." Ella asks pulling my attention back to her.

"Oh, no dinner is fine, it looks amazing, I'm just not feeling very hungry. I think because I haven't eaten all day, you know." I lie.

"I can put it in the fridge and maybe you could have it later?" She offers.

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." I say as I stand to my feet and head toward the island bench, where I cover my plate in foil and place it in the fridge. "I'm going to head up to the office." I tell her as I make my way toward the stairs.

"Oh, okay." She whispers as she sits her knife and fork down.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I head for the office and pull my phone out once more, this time phoning Willow.

"Sup?" She answers after a few rings.

"This shit needs to end. I told her a week, and she's still messing about, I can't keep lying to Ella, Wills, I can hardly look at her. Help me find Roberto and I'll go speak the fucker myself."

"Okay calm down, I know your mad but that's Ella's Papá, and she loves him. Where is she now?"

"She's downstairs having dinner."

"What, on her own?"

"Yes, I told her I wasn't hungry."

"Ace, that's a dick move, she's going to think she did something wrong, your acting weird, and you have been all week, everyone has noticed it."

"She thinks I'm just stressed with work, and as I said this shit ends, and I'll tell her everything."

"So get his location?"

"Get his location and send them to me, I'll take it from there."

"On it." She says before hanging up the phone.


I spend the rest of the night in the office tracking down Roberto. If Katherine won't come clean, then I'll find Roberto myself and give him a message of my own.

Knock knock my office door sounds and I look up to find Ella standing in the doorway.

"Hey." I say before looking my eyes back to the screen in front of me.

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