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This story has an age warning/restriction on it for a reason! Please respect that.

If you are very young, you really shouldn't be reading this story at all. There are a lot of NSFW, traumatic moments in this story. I appreciate people of all ages coming together and loving this story and you all really have no idea how much it means to me. 

I also know this is the internet and that I cannot control what other people do, and I cannot force them to be truthful about their age and respect the cautions and measurements that I have put in place, but I feel the need to share my side.

Obviously this story has very mature, very sinister, very dark, very everything themes that should not be consumed by certain audiences and I have done my best to convey that.

However, by sneaking past age lines and lying about your age (for my younglings out there), not only are you harming yourself and subjecting yourself to things you aren't ready for yet (you're not, trust me), you are also putting the artists and authors and creators of such content (myself included) at risk of very serious legal troubles and charges that can very realistically include jail time and criminal records that will ruin their lives simply because they created something with a warning and you did not respect their requests (such as no one under 18).

That being said, this story IS intended for a mature audience (18+). If you are NOT 18, please DO NOT READ IT!

As an online creator there is only so much that I myself can do. I WANT to keep posting and writing and loving but I have seen so many creators that I LOVE go dark and stop creating or shutting down their social media accounts all because CHILDREN won't listen when we (adults) are telling you WHY you cannot yet consume our products.

So please, from here on out, if you haven't reached that magical milestone of 18 (or whatever YOUR country's legal age is), please step away. Kidnapped isn't going anywhere I promise. When you reach that birthday, come back and consume all of it that you want to. Because I know a lot of you have suffered a lot of mental trauma. And now that I am taking care of myself, I feel the need to take care of others in return.

I'm not trying to be mean, or be a 'fuddy dud', or push you away, I am just trying to protect everyone here by ensuring our little community is as safe as it can be.

I have not myself experienced any issues, and I hope for the sake of us all I never do, but at least now I have put this out there and at least now I know the boundaries that need to be respected by both parties and I promise to do my best to uphold my part of responsibility.

Thank you all,


BTS KidnappedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz