Chapter 4

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Patricia's Pov

"Neethu there is a power shortage again! Switch on the generator!", I yelled at the top of my voice. Hopefully, she heard it. 

Living isolated had its own pros and cons. For an introvert like me, living on a hillside facing cottage with minimum human interactions was the best thing. But yes, we also had power shortages which were extremely irritating.

I didn't have any neighbours. My only neighbours were the caretakers of the cottage who lived a few meters downhill from my place. Neethu and her husband Vinesh were appointed to take care of our ancestral cottage when it was empty. 

They were really nice. Humble, soft-spoken, and generous. It wasn't so difficult to get used to this cottage life thanks to them. Vinesh would come over every time I had problems with the water supply or to change the lighting. Neethu would accompany me to the town which was situated downhill so that I could get used to the people, shops, prices of goods, and so on. After sometime when I was familiar with the town and its folks she stopped accompanying me as she would have work back home. 

I spent my days reading books, meditating, and exploring the town and the forests. Might sound a bit boring but I was genuinely happy to be away from the busy city life I used to lead back home. Would talk to Ruchika almost every day and I would send her photos of all the places I visited. It was surprising to know how she had kept the house clean and herself out of trouble. Looks like Ms. Ruchika keeps her word after all.

"Another waterfall?", she whined on the phone as I sent her the picture on WhatsApp. 

"Ya! U don't like it? It's so pretty", I replied. How can someone not like a waterfall! There were so many of them here and none back home. 

Two weeks had passed since I came here. Two weeks since I met him. 

Arjun. That man was stuck in my mind like glue. 
Till now his words would ring in my ears.

"Goodbye for now, but I have a feeling we will be meeting again"

What did he mean by that? 

Shaking my head to get rid of the thought I sat up and climbed out of the big blanket I was snuggling in. 
I was ravenous. 

Slowly, with heavy feet, I dragged myself into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to find something to eat inside but to my dismay, there was nothing.

Absolutely empty. 

Where the hell was Neethu when I needed her the most? Yes, I know I had given her and Vinesh a break from their chores today as they wanted to go and meet one of their relative who lived downhill. But didn't she do the grocery shopping I had told her to do before leaving? Annoyed and hungry, I stared at the big analog clock and wondered whether I should go down in the town or not. Well, it was only 8:30. It was dark but I knew the roads well so I didn't think it would be much of a big deal going and buying something myself.

I grabbed my shawl and wallet and left the cottage immediately. There was a store that was comparatively near my house, still, it was a twenty-minute walk from my place though. 

The weather had become extremely cold now. But that's how it was in these hilly regions. Mornings were pleasant, the nights were cold. The cool air brushed my cheeks and I shivered under their touch as I walked down the hill and kept an eye and ear open for any kind of trouble.

Luckily, I reached the store safely. This place wasn't as densely populated as the main town, but it was not entirely empty as well. I felt safe there.

I hopped inside and started scanning all the shelves looking for a packet of instant noodles or any kind of ready-made food. Wasn't exactly in a mood to buy vegetables and go home and cook. 

"Hello there!", a voice spoke behind me.

I jumped up startled. Turning around I smiled when I recognized that face. It was Praveen. He used to work here so naturally, I had met him a few times. 

"What are you doing here at this hour?", he asked with a supper jolly smile on his face. This guy always had a happy aura around him. He was one of the few people who showed me around the town in the absence of Neethu. Looks like he loved showing off his town, especially to outsiders like me. That was how we became good friends, by exploring the town together.

" Oh well, I just noticed my fridge was empty and Neethu and Vinesh have taken a short break so ya, I am here to buy some ready-made dinner" I replied picking up 3 instant noodle cups. "I will have these ones please"


"By the way, what are you doing here, your shift isn't over yet?"

"Haha, well boss wasn't feeling well so he told me to work extra and manage the store", he replied as he was billing the items. 

"Oh well that's sad, hope he gets well soon, goodbye!", I said as I proceeded to leave the store. To be honest I was happy the store owner wasn't there. I know I shouldn't judge people when I barely know them but somehow this person looked a bit creepy to me. He always had the habit of staring at me that made me feel uncomfortable. Glad he wasn't there that time

However, it was Praveen I was worried about. Hoped he got home quickly, the weather was becoming more chilly every minute. 

As I was walking uphill I felt as if someone was following me. 

"Probably another local", I thought. I slowed down my speed hoping he would just pass by me. 

Thing was, that person didn't pass by me. 

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