Chapter 29

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Arjun's Pov

My eyes shot open in horror. "Raghu was not the Tranquil Predator. Someone else was! The Tranquil Predator is a puppet and Raghu was his puppeteer", I exclaimed and ran my fingers through my hair. How could I have not paid attention to his words!

He was trying to protect the real culprit by framing himself!

"Wait what? So who do you think it could be?", Dr. Nair asked equally terrified. Looks like we were not finished with the Tranquil Predator yet.

"Someone he taught. So like his student. His son? The teachings can pass down right? From father to son. The nonsense ideology about strength. But his son isn't in town right? He is currently in Delhi"

"What if he is back? He had been hiding all this time?", Dr. Nair suggested. Her expertise were only limited to medical reports but still she tried her best to help me in this field.

"No. It doesn't add up. His son is doing pretty well in his career. So he is not weak. If Raghu wanted a puppet or a disciple. He would have targeted someone weak and with a dark childhood", I replied. And in an instant another name popped up in my head. A name that I myself had said was out of the suspicion zone.

"No, no. It can't be him either. Neethu was like a mother and Menon's son was like a brother. Why would he kill them?", I fought with myself. Not ready to believe Praveen would butcher someone who was so dear to him.

"Didn't you say, the killer is like a puppet. Or is he more like a 'disciple gone rogue'? Or is he both?", Dr. Nair asked.

I was busy being attacked by all the memories of him so far. Placing him in scene of the crimes. He had an alibi for all. On night of Neethu's murder he said he was at home sleeping and his sister can vouch for him. Wait a minute? He grew up in an orphanage with no family right? Was that his real sister or someone he came close to in the orphanage and called her his 'sister'? Either way, that doesn't matter. What matters is was she lying when she gave her statement?

Secondly. If he is the Tranquil Predator then was he the one that killed that serial harasser that night to create a diversion? And then played hero and saved Patricia to act innocent and sweet? Because now that I think about it, the distance between the woods where she ran and the store was roughly a twenty minutes walk. If you run to her then you will take minimum twelve minutes because you have to run uphill. But this evening Patricia said:

"I called the store, he picked up, heard and it took him barely ten minutes to come to my rescue"

So how did he reach so fast. It was impossible that he was there that night because Patricia had called the store number where he picked up the phone and heard her cry for help. So Praveen was at the store when Patricia saw the dark shadow of a person in the woods. Or was he? My mind went blank and a picture of Raghu's store came into the mind. What was there?

It was a small shop. Everything was kept neatly in order. There were noodle racks, dairy racks. Near the counter, there was a stand full of local magazines. Going through the lanes I looked at all the items that were there. Salt, sugar, spices, detergents, vegetables all items that were sold here were basic necessities. There was the counter in one corner. A wireless landline phone and a magazine was kept on it. There was also a shelf full of chocolates and bubble gum on the side of the counter.

"A wireless landline! A WIRELESS LANDLINE! That explains the distance issue!", I gritted my teeth anger emanating out of me.

"He definitely took that phone with him to the woods! He killed that guy to fool us! It was his shadow Patricia saw! And that is why when Patricia called the store, he was able to pick it up, answer and act as if he is at the store and is coming to rescue her immediately! When in reality he was already there! So he waited for a few minutes, and finally rescued her. He was close to Raghu. Raghu probably saw a hurt and weak child in him and decided to teach him hunting and other stuff to make him strong, stuff that he was taught by his father. Praveen learnt and went a bit far and started murdering people. His first target was his own best friend. That kid was the trial round. Praveen felt stronger after killing him so he continued his work. Raghu kept quiet about all of this. When he had that fight with Neethu he probably ordered Praveen to go and kill her. Praveen didn't bother much, because by that time, as long as he got to kill he would be happy. It didn't matter who. THAT FUCKING MORON!", I almost bellowed out in fury. My eyes were bloodshot and I was shaking with rage. Dr. Nair stood next to me almost petrified staring at me with eyes as big as saucers.

I ignored her and pulled my phone out to call someone, "Menon! Wake up. Get your men. Tell them to search for Praveen immediately. Look for him at the store, at his house and arrest his goddamn 'sister'. I will have a word with her later. I want Praveen alive", I growled and disconnected the call before hearing a reply.

This ends tonight.


And Hi! I am back! I will update daily now, kindly vote and comment!

The Tranquil Predator ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя