Chapter 1

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Patricia's Pov

"Can I just shoot her? I have watched 'How To Get Away With Murder'. So I guess I know a thing or two about murders"

This thought kept running through my mind as the client rambled in front of me. This client is never happy with my work. What's worse is this lady has a habit of pointing out what she wanted AFTER I finish my work.

"I wanted the brown sofa to be placed next to the door! Not in front of it!"

"But ma'am, it is next to the door just like you wanted"

"No u idiot! Not this door! I meant that door!" Mrs. Mohanty raged, pointing at an identical door that was in front of the sofa on the other side of the room.

"Alright ma'am, I will get the sofa shifted to the other side of the room".

Honestly speaking, I had taken interior designing as a career option because I was creative and had an eye for making things look prettier. Didn't actually expect this job would drain me mentally. Because at the end of the day the house is not designed according to my wishes. It depends on the homeowner or in other words, it depends on the clients. And that is honestly the worst part. Dealing with the picky, annoying, rude clients but my bills are paid because of them so I have no choice but to deal with those irritating, tasteless humans.

"You got a migraine again I see?" Ruchi chimed massaging my head as I sat on the sofa with my eyes shut.

"You think? You have no idea how hard it is to deal with that old hag's rants"

"Aww, baby you know you need a break right? Ever since your break up with that jerk, you have been invested in your work. Don't think I didn't notice"

That's true actually. Ever since I broke up with my boyfriend things haven't been the same. Been throwing myself into work and who would know me better than my roommate/best friend/sister/therapist Ms. Ruchika. We were friends since nursery and trust me although we were pole opposites our friendship was so strong nothing could break it.

We were soulmates, two halves of a whole idiot.

"You know what you need? You need to get laid" Ruchi says with a wise look on her face.

"Getting laid would solve my problems now wouldn't it?", I facepalmed. I swear this girl always has the wildest ideas to cheer me up.

To be honest I was planning to take a break for a long time. My family has an ancestral cottage in Munnar. Thought about going and living there for a few weeks. I heard it faces the aesthetic Munnar hills. The view from the window is magical and calm. The hills are different shades of green that rise to touch the milky white clouds. The grey roads spiraling around these hills and chill weather is just paradise.

Sound's beautiful doesn't it? Yes! But just one teeny tiny problem. I cant leave my friend behind. Like yes she is 25 yrs old and can take care of herself just that she has a problem of getting herself into trouble. Be it in pubs that get raided by the Police or drinking too much and slapping the officer. Yes she has covered everything on the list. I am the mom of the house and have the job of keeping her out of trouble.

"You know I am not a child right? I can take care of myself even if you leave for few days", scorned Ruchi as if she instantly read my thoughts.

"True, but I really don't know. You are a magnet for all sorts of trouble. I really don't want to leave you alone knowing damm well you might stir up some shit again"

She scoffed and plopped herself beside me on the sofa. Hugging me tightly she said,

"It's my life babe. I will live it the way I want to. I am responsible for my actions not you. Worry about yourself. You only get to live once and trust me you need a break. Take one."

Those words stirred something within me. She wasn't wrong though I mean my life has been running like a metro. Give your exams, get good grades, get good gpa, get a good job, earn money, keep doing your job to keep earning money. It has always been like this. Never took a break once, never felt relaxed once.

"Fine then, I think next month sounds good. Will go to that cottage next month", I sighed.

"Hehe no need, I have already booked tickets for your flight. You are leaving next week"

"Dude what!"

"Ya, and if I were you I would finish Mrs. Mohanty's house by this weekend" Ruchi smirked.

Great. Just. Great.

Hi! This is my first fic....So ya if u find it a bit boring...Pls bear with me😥 I wanted to give the protagonist a proper introduction....But don't worry...I will make it exciting soon...Pls support me 💜💜

A/N 2:

Finally finished the story and let me tell u the first 3 chapters might be boring coz of proper character development for the lead roles, the mystery/thriller starts from 4th chapter

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