Chapter 16

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Arjun's Pov

It was a Sunday afternoon. It had been eight days since the last murder and almost three weeks since I got here. We still had no clue who was committing the crimes. As of now, the only lead we had was that he probably worked around meat products. That was why for the past few days we went around interrogating meat shop owners. Most of them didn't fit the height criteria and those who did had a perfect alibi to save them.

Finally, our search moved from meat shop owners to convenience store owners. They didn't only sell meat. They sold many products in their shops. But it was just a theory:

Maybe the killer worked in convenience stores. The smell of meat can come from there as well. In the corner where packed meat is kept.

Following that clue, we visited three convenience stores. The last one was called Raghu's. It was closest to Patricia's cottage and nearest to the woods.

Entering the store, I looked around and absorbed my surroundings. It was a small shop. Everything was kept neatly in order. There were noodle racks, dairy racks. Near the counter, there was a stand full of local magazines. Going through the lanes I looked at all the items that were there. Salt, sugar, spices, detergents, vegetables all items that were sold here were basic necessities. There was the counter in one corner. A wireless landline phone and a magazine was kept on it. There was also a shelf full of chocolates and bubble gum on the side of the counter.

Did this place even have a meat corner?

Walking ahead I finally found what I was looking for. The meat section. Boneless chicken, mutton. Everything was kept in the fridge.

"Is someone here?", I called out.

A middle-aged man popped out of one of the corners. He was tall, lean, and looked like he was nearing fifty. He was almost bald and had a mix of grey and black hair. He had a bony jaw and wrinkled forehead. The wrinkles looked like they were on his forehead because of a constant frowning habit. Yes, the man looked dull and grumpy to the core. And one more thing, he wasn't standing straight on two feet. He was inclined towards one side as if putting all his weight on one leg and not the other.

"Yes", he replied as he limped forward and stood one foot away from where I was.

Showing him my badge I said, "Good afternoon sir, this is Detective Arjun Malhotra. I just have a few questions to ask you. Regarding the ongoing murders"

"You suspect me?"

"You think I should?"

He looked down and gulped for a minute and then looked up at me again.

"Why are you limping? Injured your leg?"

"Yes, my neighbour's bastard dog bit me", he cursed.

Eyeing him, I continued with my interrogation.

"Where were you last night?"

"At the store. I haven't been keeping well lately. So I go home early."

"So the shop closes early?"

"No, No. The shop closes at its usual time. One of my workers is left in charge."

"Name of the worker?", I asked.


So this was the store Praveen talked about. This was where he worked. Walking around the store with the old man following me I asked,

"So, you work here too?"

"Technically, yes sir. I am Raghu. I own this shop. But ever since the business started booming and I got older. I started hiring people to help me here. Praveen is one of the helpers here."

"Ok, Mr. Raghu. Can you tell me where you were on the night of 12th November? The time around 1 am to 3 am?"

"I was at home sleeping! Why would I be anywhere other than my bedroom around that time?"

I chuckled when I heard that. This man was a very practical person.

"You have anyone to vouch for you? Like your wife or child. If you have any."

"No. My wife has gone to stay with her father for a few days. And my son is in Delhi. But my neighbour's dog can vouch for me."

"Your neighbour's what!", I exclaimed bewildered. Here I am trying to catch a murderer and this fellow thinks it's a joke!

"Yes, yes sir. The dog that bit me. You see it  barks at me whenever I pass by the house. At nights it sleeps outside in its kennel. You can ask my neighbour if he heard the stupid dog bark at that time. My neighbour will say 'no' because I didn't pass by or leave my house that time.", he said with his eyes gleaming with honesty. He sounded happy at the fact the dog hated him. At least it did vouch for him when he was being doubted.

These town people really are something. Raghu was at home on the night of the crime! How can we confirm it? Ask the dog!

Trying to change the topic. I continue with my interrogation. This time it shifted to Praveen. How old he was. His childhood, working hours, interests, everything I could find. Looks like Raghu had known him for a long time. He was like an uncle figure to him. Our conversation continued when suddenly the main door opened and two people came in.

Speak of the devil.

It was Praveen. And guess what! Patricia was with him. Both looked at me with confusion plastered on their faces. I could care less about the awkward atmosphere that surrounded the room. Walking up to the couple I said,

"Good afternoon Praveen! I wanted to speak to you only. I just wanted to know where you were on the night of 12th November." 


Hi folks! Gonna give a mega update now! stay tuned and do press that little star at the bottom left corner ....Hehe

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